Part 4: Happy Reunion

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I look at Marlon and wait for him to say something else. I just stand there looking at him as he's posing and spinning around for what feels like the longest minute ever. Eventually I start to get a little annoyed, but do try my best to hide it.

"So what exactly is the deal here Marlon? Am I in debt to you and your people now or what?"

Marlon looks at you surprised and unsure how to respond. "I mean you don't have to. We just went to check out the noise and saw you needed some help"

You keep pushing not happy with his answer. "Yeah Im grateful, but what do you want now?"

Marlon must have noticed my annoyance because he then tries to lower the tension. "Hey Y/N, there's no problem with you staying here or leaving. If you wanna leave, go ahead. However, we could totally use someone like you for this place. Maybe spend a couple nights and see if we can see if this can work. How's that sound?"

I pause and think for a moment. It would be pretty nice to sleep inside a secure area again, plus I can leave whenever I want.

"Alright Marlon, I'll stick around for a bit and see if this can work. Where are my things at? Maybe I can talk to that kid and try to calm him down for you."

Marlon smiles at me and looks pretty relieved. "Great! Your stuff is inside the admin building in the music room, plus I think the kid is there as well. Just listen for the piano and you should be good."

Marlon then walks off to go talk to some of the other kids, and then that kid with the burn mark starts to make his way back to where I was staying. Looking around I start to realize the only people here are kids. This is definitely the weirdest place I've seen yet.

Once I get inside the admin building, the sound of music hits me instantly. Whoever's playing has had some experience, cause it sounds very professional. I reach the room and see a teenager playing the piano, and then a little boy listening.

I walk in and get their attention. "Excuse me boys-"

The kid reacts almost instantly and lands an elbow in my groin. If he aimed a little lower, I'd be down for the count. The teenager playing the piano stops and speaks.

He smiles and laughs saying "I would have thought he'd treat you differently, but I guess I was wrong."

I look at the piano player and reply "Yeah you think he'd treat his rescuer a little nicer."

This gets another chuckle out of the teenager, and then he heads back to playing the piano.

I turn my attention back to the boy, and see him lower his fist. His face has changed from anger to curiosity pretty quickly. I should probably try to talk to this kid. So, I extend my hand to him.

"Hey kid, the names Y/N. Probably heard me say it, but I helped protect you and your friend while you were unconscious. So, do you got a name?"

He looks back hesitantly, but eventually shakes your hand and speak. "Alvin Jr, but I like AJ."

This causes me to smile. "Aj, sounds like a easy to remember name. Just don't forget mine, cause I won't forget yours."

This makes him smile a little, but then he turns his attention back to the music being played. I should just leave him alone I guess, but I should meet this piano player as well.

"And whats your name"?
"You can call me Louis Y/N. You stuff is over by the chair if you want it."

I walk over quickly to check if anything was taken, and luckily there was nothing gone. After I'm down counting my supplies, my attention turns back to the younger boy. He must be a little nervous without his caretaker, so maybe a friend can help.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now