Part 22: Unwanted Guests (Clem POV)

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Me and Y/N walk out to the courtyard. Some of us are still awake, but they're all scattered doing their own thing. We do get some looks from our friends, some smiling and others in disbelief that we're holding hands.

I'm in just as much disbelief as they are, but I'm glad we are. Y/N is so kind to everyone, always putting them first over himself. He's becoming one of my closest friends, and someone I trust over everyone else.

Aj runs up to us as we're walking over to the lookout tower. "Clem can I stay with you on lookout?"

I let out a sigh. I kind of want some more alone time with Y/N, but I should be with Aj. Y/N luckily steps in and help makes this easier. "Yeah Aj, you take my place and stay with her. I'll head out and check some of the traps near the gate, you too keep an eye on me."

I smile at Y/N and run my thumb over his hand. "Thanks Y/N. Me and Aj will keep our eyes on you."

He smiles at me, and then let's go. He heads outside the gate as me and Aj go up to look around. Y/N gives us a wave, and then walks off to look around.

Aj stands quiet for a bit, but finally speaks. "The raiders...that man will be with them."

"Abel...yeah he'll be with them probably."

Aj drops the binoculars and his face turns hard. I've been worrying about him lately. He's been having trouble sleeping, same as Y/N. "I call dibs. I want to be the one to kill him."

This shocks me. What is becoming of my little goofball. "Woah, we don't talk like that Aj. Don't ever say something like that again."

"Why? He deserves to die, and he's bad."

"Aj, we don't talk about killing like this. It's a serious matter, and not something you should talk about casually."

Aj shakes his head, and groans. He's getting upset, so I should try to cheer him up. "How many walkers do you see out there?"

"There were five, but now I only see four. Y/N must of killed one."

"Do you see him Aj? Shit, we should have been keeping an eye on him."

Aj looks around frantically. "I don't see him Clem. I don't- wait I see something. There."

He points and we see a wagon being pushed by the raiders. "There finally doing it. We need to tell the others."

We climb down and run to the center. "Guys it's happening!"

Everyone runs in and begin to speak at the same time. It's almost hard to concentrate, but I need to get everyone ready. "Guys calm down! Stick to plan, and we'll be fine."

"But where's Y/N? We need him here with us."

Before I can answer a shot is fired at us, and hits Omar. "Everyone get down!"

Everyone runs in different directions, but I stay to pull Omar into cover. Once I get him there, the gates are broken and the raiders come walking in. I see Marlons bow, but I can't leave Omar. "Go Clem, I'll be fine."

I nod, and run to grab the bow. I take cover, and watch Lilly walk in the yard with Abel. "Lilly! Don't move or I'll shoot!"

Everyone aims their guns at me, but Lilly waves them off. "Search the yard and find the others."

"They're not yours to take Lilly! I won't let you have them!"

Lilly smiles and laughs at me. "You're not doing a good job of protecting them Clem. Already have one of them."

She waves for them to open the gate, and they pull out a masked person. They remove the mask, and it's Y/N. He's been beaten and his hands are tied in front of him. "Lee would be proud of you protecting your group Clem! Already let one get caught, but at least his alive!"

I can't let them lose focus on me. "I wouldn't walk around! You might set off some of our traps!"

Abel stops moving and turns to me. Mitch and Willy head over to the wagon and place the bomb. Lilly gets annoyed and hits Y/N a few times. "Yeah right Clem! Just stop with the bluffing okay! You're all coming with us! In fact, someone wants to see you all, she said she had a little brother she missed dearly."

Lilly lets out an evil smile, and knows she should continue. "Minnie wanted to come! She wanted to see all her friends, but she also knew you'd resist. She couldn't stand the sight of seeing one of you get hurt!"

Lilly continues to bash Y/N in the face while she's talking. My heart feels like it's breaking right now, but I can't give in. "Please..."

I turn to see Tenn walk out. "Don't hurt anymore of us."

"You must be Tenn. Minnie told me about you."

Tenn walks out to her, and I try to stop him. "Tenn! Don't listen to her!"

Lilly goes to grab Tenn, but Y/N grabs Lilly's ankles. Before Lilly can react, the bomb finally goes off. All the raiders fall from the blast, and Tenn runs away.

Lilly is down on the ground, so Mitch takes the risk of killing her. He charges at her, but she catches him with a knife to the neck. Willy lets out a yell, but Aasim holds him back.

Y/N sits and stares in disbelief. His eyes are tearing up and becoming blood shot. He attempts to charge at her, but I yell to stop him. "Y/N! Get over here!"

I fire an arrow at Lilly causing her to move into cover. Y/N runs over to me and I untie his arm. The others make their way to the Admin building and most of us head inside.

Abel and the raiders follow us, but we have the advantage. Aasims traps should help take some of them out. We wait by the stares, and I then cut the bag to drop and kill one of them. The others begin to chase us up the stairs, so we push the couch down the steps.

The couch crushes one of them, and is out of the picture. Abel keeps following after us, and throws a Molotov upstairs. Soon the whole floor is on fire and full of smoke. "Guys go! We'll distract him!"

The others nod and run away, leaving Y/N, and me to deal with Abel. We head into The principal's office, but he's right behind us.

He goes for Y/N first, whacking him with the butt of his shotgun. I charge at him while he's distracted, and end up making him lose his gun.

Me and him struggle for a moment, but he soon gets the advantage. He starts to choke me, but I claw at his eyes and resist. Luckily, Y/N grabs him and throws him off me.

I'm trying to catch my breath, and I eventually do. I turn to see Abel trying to slice Y/N's throat. I quickly get up and tackle Abel.

The force from the tackle causes us to fall through the balcony, and plummet to the ground. The last thing I hear is Y/N yelling for me while I fall, and then everything goes black.

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now