Part 16: Night Out

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"Be quiet. I can get rid of them."

The man dressed as a walker let's go of Clem, and we run back to Aj. This guy walks past all the walkers, and then picks up a rock. He then chucks the rock away from us, and it actually makes a pretty loud thud.

The walkers near him then turn, and see this man walking towards the noise. They all soon join him, and he stops walking once most are walking that way now.

Me and Clem are both in shock by this guy. Who the hell is he? Where did he come from? And is that actually real skin?

Before I can ask any of these questions, he offers me his shoulder and looks at Clem. "Follow me, camp nearby. Treat these two."

Clem just nods her head. She must be as dumbfounded as I am, cause this is definitely weird. We walk for a bit and finally stop at a fallen tree that has a burned out campfire next to it.

The man sits me down and Clem lays Aj on the fallen log. The two of them focus on treating him, and it doesn't sound good. "Get the shrapnel out. I'll hold him down."

Clem winces as she starts to pull out the shrapnel. Aj's doing a good job of keeping still, but he has to be in a lot of pain right now. We're gonna need to get him back as soon as possible.

They pull the last one out and Aj let's out a groan. Clem applies pressure to the his wound, and the man pulls out some duct tape. He starts to patch up Aj, but ends up using all the tape.

He turns to me to look at my wound. "Your bullet went through completely. Should be okay."

He pulls me up on my feet, and then walks over to start the fire. Clem helps carry Aj over to the fire, and I struggle to sit down next to them.

We sit in silence as the man begins to take off his mask. He then turns back to focusing on the fire. "I'm sorry. I tried to help by leading the walkers over."

"You did that? Why? You don't know us."

"But I know those people, the ones who attacked you. They take kids, use them to fight for them. Wanted to help because of that."

Clem nods her head understanding now, but I still have tons of questions. "What's your name? What are you even doing out here?"

The walker boy turns and looks at me. "My name is James. I live out here with them. It's safer and I feel more comfortable with them. I used to be a part of a group called the whisperers, but they went bad. Killing people and using walkers for war, so I left."

After he finishes, a walker starts to walk behind him. He grabs a rock and throws it to lead it away. "It's better that way. No one gets hurt."

I look over at Clem and give her an inside look. James doesn't seem like he's a problem, but he's also pretty out there. I can understand not wanting to waste energy on killing, but not killing walkers cause they're people?

James then reaches into his bag and pulls out two apples. "Here, take these and rest."

Aj takes his apple and begins to eat. Clem takes the other one, and hands it to me. "Here Y/N, you should have it."

I smile, but I pull out my knife and cut the apple. "If anyone needs to keep their energy it's you. You'll be more useful in a fight Clem."

She smiles and takes her piece. How hands touch when she takes it, and we both blush. I try not to grin, but it's hard not too. We sit in silence and eat for the rest of the night.

"Get your rest. I'll stay up and keep watch."

I look at James and smile. He's a good person, and there's not many of those left. Clem smiles at him and wraps an arm around Aj. "Thank you James."

"Sure you don't want some company? Love to get to know you more James."

"No, you've both had a long day. Get some rest, we'll leave early to get to your school."

I nod my head, and shift to get comfy. I try to stay up  until Clem and Aj falls asleep, but I'm out the second I get comfy.

I slowly wake up from james tapping me. I feel something heavy on my shoulder. I look and see Clem fell asleep with her head on my shoulder!

I don't know what to do, james must've thought we were a thing and just woke me up to wake them. Well, just do it Y/N and deal with it later. "Clem, wake Aj. We need to go."

Clem opens her eyes and realizes what happened. She gets up quickly and try's to act like nothing happened. But her cheeks being bright red is telling me different.

"Aj! We need to go and get back to school."

She stands up quickly and lifts Aj in her arms. I pull myself up, and look at James. It looks like he realized we're not a thing, and all he can do is let out a little smirk.

We all leave and walk down a path for a while. After a couple hours the sunlight rises. My leg is bleeding pretty bad still, and it's getting worse. Clem is holding Aj still, but she's fading. "Let me hold him."

Clem just shakes her head at James. It's understandable since we just met him. She'll get a break soon since were back at the school. We see Willy on lookout, but he sees James first and fires an arrow. Lands a couple feet short of him though, gonna have to work on his aim.

"Walke- wait...Guys! Clem and Y/N are back! They need help!"

He begins to climb down and get the others. I turn to James. "You could stay if you want James. You're a good guy, and we'd love to have you."

James looks at the arrow and then replies "Not yet." He then walks off back where we can from. Me and Clem continue to walk as Louis approaches the gate. He sees Aj being carried by Clem and my bleeding leg, and instantly runs out to help.

"Jesus, get inside guys we'll get him to Ruby."

He takes Aj from Clem's hand and runs inside. Clem offers me a shoulder, and we walk together in silence. I smile and try to make a joke to cheer her up. "You just can't keep your hands off me uh Clem?"

She smiles and shakes her head.

"Shut up Y/N."

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now