Part 26: Last Party? (Clem POV)

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After playing for a few minutes, Aj stops and gives me a hug. "I love you Clem."

I smile and hug him with all my might. "I love you back kiddo."

I let go of him and grab my things. "Come on, Y/N's waiting for us. Don't wanna be late."

Aj stares curiously at the mention of Y/N. "So what are you guys anyway?"

I begin to blush and look at the ground. "Well uhhh...Y/N is my boyfriend. A boyfriend or girlfriend is...someone who you really care about. It's different compared to how I care for the others and's more romantic if that makes sense."

Aj nods his head and thinks. "Does that mean you love Y/N? Like do you love him like me? Are we a family?"

I think for a moment. I haven't really thought about that. Y/N already felt like one of us when we first met, and he did go out in the woods with us. Is it too early to think stuff like this? It's what I want though...

"Yeah, I think so. Don't you?"

"Yeah of course. Just feels weird now that there's someone besides you, but I like Y/N. He's different from everyone else."

That's why I'm dating him. Y/N treats me different, looks at me different, and does everything different compared to anyone I've ever met. There have been others that I thought I could date, but they never made me feel the way I do when I'm with or think of him.

Aj and I head out to the courtyard and we see Y/N listening to his music. His hair is getting really long, but it also looks kind of cute. He smiles and stands once he notices me, and my heart skips a beat.

"Ah my two favorite people. What took so long?"

I lean in and kiss his cheek. "Sorry Y/N, we were just having too much fun. Do you need help carrying anything?"

"If you guys can carry the stereo and my backpack that would be great. I'll take care of the stew."

We gather all the party supplies and head inside. "Ruby said she wanted your opinion on some of the decorations Clem."

"Okay, but what are you and Aj gonna do?"

"We'll just sit and watch you do all the work. I deserve a break from cooking dinner."

I shake my head and put everything down. I then head over to Ruby to talk about the decorations. We end up setting some purple candle jars for lighting. Aj and Tenn are working on the poster now, so all that leaves is the music for tonight.

I walk over to Y/N looking through his CDs. "Have anything good for our party?"

Y/N smiles and pulls out some CDs. "Well I got some classics that I think will be good to listen to. My personal opinions would be these two, but anything works for me.

He holds up a CD with a bunch of men feeding goats, and one that looks Egyptian. The Egyptian looking album said greatest hits of Earth, Wind, and Fire, and the other CD just says Pet Sounds.

"I don't know what these CDs are, but I trust your decision."

Y/N let out a laugh and puts both discs down. "I'm glad you trust my musical wisdom. You'll recognize some of these songs once you hear them."

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