Epilogue <3

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let's just jump right into it...the actual end 😪, BUT! this is fiction, so anything can happen. fyi, lots of pov changes lol. and i tried to make it a lil longer :))

Ashton's pov


It's been a week. A week since Luke and I showed our love for each other. Luke has been the most caring and supportive boyfriend I could ask for.

What sucks is that Calum started throwing up about two days ago, and I did one day ago. I blamed Calum for giving me the bug, but when I woke up this morning, it hit me.

I saw that Luke was still asleep, so I threw on one is his hoodie's and sweats and ran out the door. I needed to go buy something to see if it was true.


Luke's pov


I woke up to the sun in my eyes coming through the curtains. I was confused, because the sun usually isn't up when ash wakes me up for school. After that I saw that Ashton wasn't next to. I instantly ran to the bathroom because he had been throwing up a lot since yesterday. When he wasn't in there, I walked down the stairs and heard someone in the kitchen.


"Lu, I'm making breakfast." I walked in and saw him putting scrambled eggs on two plates.

I smiled, and walked over to him hugging him from behind. "So, no school today?"

"I couldn't, I would just throw up everywhere. So, let's just sit down and eat my eggs and toast and hope that I can keep it down." I grabbed both of our plates while he grabbed our milk, and walked over to the kitchen table.

"So, you feeling better today? At least a little." He kept looking at the clock confusing me a little.

"Baby boy? Are you waiting for something." Ash finally turned his attention to me, and looked like he was at a loss for words.

"Uh, yeah, I'll tell you later though. Let's just enjoy breakfast." He stopped talking as he put a fork full of eggs into his mouth. I was going to question him until he turned a little pale.

"Ash? Are you okay?"

"No." He stood up and ran to the bathroom. Damnit.

I stood behind him rubbing his back, as he threw up the soup he had last night. I tried to calm him down when he started dry heaving. "Ash, stop, your done." He finally stopped after a little while. I picked him up and carried him to bed, I hated seeing him in so much pain. I had just laid him down when someone knocked on the door.

I walked down and opened it to be met with a frantic and panicked looking Calum and a confused looking Michael.

"Luke, where's Ashton?"

"Uh, he's in our room in bed."

"Thanks babe." Calum ran by me while Michael just walked in next to me. "What's up with Cal?" Michael just his head and laughed a little.

"I have no idea. We went to the doctors this morning because he didn't stop throwing up. When he got out, he looked scared and said that he needed to talk to Ashton. So, beats me."

"Wanna watch The Simpsons?"

"Yeah sure."


Ashton's pov


I was about to fall asleep when the door was slammed open, and then slammed closed.

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