Chapter Quince ~ Malum + Lashton

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That picture though omg 😂. sorry this update is kind of late and short, i just haven't been feeling the best lately, and i have been having way too many mental health problems, but writing is how i escape, so thank you so much for reading!! over 850 READS!! i was never expecting that, but thank you so much. i hope you enjoy! :)

Third person pov


Cal got a text from Michael telling him that he was outside when Calum was ready. He stood up and started to walk downstairs to the door.

Calum hadn't shown it all day, but he was freaking out on the inside because he was so nervous. Of course he had to overthink everything and think of a million different things that could go wrong. "What if he tries to kiss me and he thinks I'm a bad kisser? What if my breath smells? What if he doesn't like what I'm wearing? Will he want to have sex? Wait no, no... right? Does he want to date me, or just a little fun thing? Oh gosh."

Before he could think of anything else, he opened the door. He was met with a smiling Michael holding a bouquet of his favorite flowers.

"Oh my gosh, mike, blue roses. You know that you didn't have to get me these right?" Calum said happily while smelling them.

"I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Ew, wait, this feels too cliche, let's get going." Michael held his hand out and grabbed Calum's, leading him to his car.

"So, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Michael said, followed by a smirk.

The next 45 minutes were spent driving through the forrest, while singing along to the music Calum was playing.

"You going to murder me?" Calum said while smiling.

"You know it. So, put this blindfold on so you can't see me do it." Michael said, opening his door after he came to a stop near a cliff. "C'mon, let's go." Mike muttered happily opening Calum's door, grabbing his hand.

After walking for what seemed like forever, even though it was only 2 minutes, Calum felt the blindfold being taken off of his face.

Calum gasped when he opened his eyes. He saw all the lights of the city, but most importantly, the stars.

"You said you really liked to look at the stars. And your supposed to talk on dates, so I thought that maybe we could do that. I have a blanket." Mike said followed by a nervous chuckle.

Calum walked over to Michael with glossy eyes, and before Michael could process what was happening, Calum was kissing him. When Michael has a second, he kissed back. It wasn't a makeout, but a sweet kiss full of happiness. They pulled away and Calum put his forehead on Michael's.

Just above a whisper, Michael heard "thank you so much".


Luke pulled into his driveway with Ashton in the passenger seat singing his heart out to bohemian rhapsody.

"You done?" Luke sighed as he parked.

"Yeah, we can go." Ashton smiled at him, giving Luke the weird feeling in his stomach that he, again, ignored.

They both got out and walking into the house being met with Luke's mom.

"Hi honey, hi Ashton. I'm just gathering my things and heading to work. You guys can order whatever you want, there is 50 dollars on the counter in the kitchen, and no other friends, the house isn't really clean." She walked over and kissed Luke on the forehead, doing the same to Ashton, shocking him and Luke.

"Okay, bye guys."

"Bye mom."

"Bye Liz."

"Okay, soo, the project... or video games? You like fifa?"

"Video games sounds fun, but no, fifa isn't really my thing." This made Luke look at Ashton like he had just said he didn't like candy.

"What do you mean you don't like fifa? Everyone likes fifa."

"Guess I'm not everyone." Ashton shrugged while giggling, making Luke blush a little.

"Okay then, we'll play something else."

After an hour of yelling at each other while playing Mario Kart, Luke was thirsty.

"You want anything to drink, or eat?"

"Water's good for now." Luke just smiled at that and got up, walking downstairs to the kitchen. While getting his lemonade and Ashton's water, Calum called him.

"Hey Calum. Aren't you going on a date with Mike tonight?"

"Yeah, but he's not here yet, but anyways, I need you to listen to me. It's about Ashton, he probably doesn't want me to tell you, but I need him to be safe."

"What are you talking about Cal. You scaring me honestly."

"Just shhh. This is not to be taken lightly, but, Ashton is borderline anorexic. He used to be worse, but I help him get better. Obviously that didn't stay. But no matter what he excuses he makes up, I need you to make him eat. If he refuses, only then do you tell him that I told you this okay?"

"Okay, I got it. He'll eat, don't worry. Have fun on your date though, bye."

"Thank you, and I plan to. Bye."

After hearing that Luke didn't know why, but he just felt sad. Sad and disappointed. Disappointed that he didn't know. He could've seen it, or realized it, but no, he didn't. Doesn't matter, he's just going to have to make him eat. No matter what he says.

Sorry this was short, but i am going to have probably 2 more updates in the next day or so. thank you so much for reading, please comment and vote if you enjoyed! i wove you all <3

He's Just So Weird  ~ Lashton Where stories live. Discover now