Chapter 11: The Fortune Teller

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I just have to say that I've been looking forward to this chapter since I started writing. It's one of my favorite episodes.

Havi's pov

"Look!" I point to a fish that was jumping out of the water by our camp.

"He's taunting us," Sokka grumbled, "you are so going to be dinner." He goes to cast out the fishing hook but nothing comes from the end, "hey, where's the fishing line?"

From his spot on the ground Aang said, "oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka."

The boy held out a necklace made from the line as Sokka groaned, "it's all tangled!"

"Not tangled, woven. I made you a necklace, Katara." Aang sheepishly told her, "I thought since you lost your other one.."

Katara smiles, "Thanks, Aang. I love it." And I love them. Kiss kiss, fall in love already.

"Great, Aang," Sokka the grumpy old man said, "Maybe instead of saving the world you can go into the jewelry making business."

The airbender shrugs, "I don't see why I can't do both."

The fish pops back up to the surface and I point to it, "Sokka, there!"

He throws the fishing pole to try and stab it, "stop taunting me!"

I chuckle softly, "You should probably go in there and get it." He did exactly as I said and I laughed while he chased after the fish with a knife, "Yeah, you almost had it that time!" He definitely did not.

"Help me!" Sokka pleaded. I take off my shoes and run into the water after him. If he really believed I would be any help he's wrong. Immediately, I push on his shoulders to dunk him under the water. As revenge, he then grabs my hips and pulls me under with him. Finally coming up for air, we start laughing and I try to take a mental memory of this because I don't think I've ever been so care free before. I come quick to realize how Sokka's hands still held a firm grip on my hips with his thumbs grazing the corner of my stomach. I take in a sharp breath, our bodies merely inches apart. Sokka and I locked eyes before blushing madly and he let go, "come on."

We got out to stand with Katara and Aang but a loud growl took out attention. Aang jumped up to a rock to check it out, "someone's getting attacked by a platypus bear!"

We run to find a middle aged man swiftly dodging every swipe of the animals claws. He was so oddly calm, "well, hello there. Nice day, isn't it?"

"Make noise! He'll run off!" Aang told him.

"No, play dead! He'll lose interest," sokka offered.

The man narrowly missed another hit, "woah, close one."

"Run down hill then climb a tree," katara said.

"No, hit him in the bill!" I shouted, "then run in zigzags"

"No need," the man continued, "it's going to be fine."

I widen my eyes as the bear sliced a tree where his head was, "He's crazy!"

Aang jumped in front of the man and tried to stop the bear but the only thing that helped was Appa growling loudly. The platypus bear laid an egg and ran away in fear.

"Mmm, lunch" Sokka picks up and sniffs the egg, "lucky for you we came along." Lucky for the man or lucky or the egg?

"Thanks but everything was already under control. Not to worry. Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey."

"Aunt who?" Aang asked.

"No, aunt Wu. She's the fortune teller from my village. Awful nice knowing your future."

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