Chapter 53: The Runaway

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Guys I joined my school's Democrats club 😃😃 don't tell my parents please I think they'll kick me out LMAO

Havi's pov

As usual during a pit stop, Aang, Toph, and Katara were training together. Sometimes it works out great, and other times, well, let's just say it goes down hill.

With his headband covering his eyes, Aang dodges the rocks shooting up beneath him. At the same time, he has to fight away Katara's waterbending; which seems more difficult because how is he supposed to sense it?

"Good job, twinkle toes. Visualize then attack," Toph sends a ball of rock his way but it ends up hitting Katara in the stomach.

Katara lands on the ground with a grunt, "Maybe you should take your own advice, Toph!"

"What's the matter? Can't handle some dirt, madam fussy britches?"

The waterbender glares evilly and sends a wave over from the pond behind her. "Oh, sorry, did I splash you, mud slug?" She taunted back.

Toph jumps up to a rock wave as Katara does the same with ice. They head straight for one another before colliding in the middle, and being sent flying apart.

"Uh, Are we taking a break?" Aang asks with a blindfold still shielding his eyes.

"You know them, Aang," I huff, "They're having another moment."

"Sneak attack!" Sokka battle cries while running forward.

Aang easily stops him with his earthbending, "Sokka, sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud."

Grunting from the other two girls steals our attention. "Hungry for a mud pie?" Toph pushes mud into the angry girl's face.

"I'll give you a mud pie."

They continue fighting and bending at each other until Aang finally spoke up, "Uh, guys. I thought we were supposed to be training me."

This grounds the girls very quickly as the fighting ceases. Katara walks forward, "Very well, pupil. I believe we've had enough training for today." With that, she takes her leave.

"While Katara cleans up," Toph bends the mud off her body with a smirk, "let's go have some fun."

• • •

Sokka, Aang, and I look around in excitement as we make our way into town. Above us, birds fly and squawk loudly, "look at all those messenger hawks."

"Keep walking," I tell Sokka plainly.

"What? Why? I've been thinking about getting one for myself. That way I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. I could just send them messages."

I hum, "I was gonna tell you no but I gotta say, I like the idea of not having to talk to you," He pouts annoyed, "Oh, I'm kidding," I give him a kiss on the cheek to calm his dramatic ass.

"Ew," Toph gags and I shove her shoulder playfully.

"So, guys, what are we gonna get with our last silver piece?" Aang asks.

"We can get more money," Toph stops and points down an alley, "right there." We rush over and see her pointing out a man playing the shell game. You put a pebble under one of three shells and then move them around a bunch. After it's mixed up, the player has to guess which shell the rock is under. "This is where you seeing people are at a disadvantage. Everyone guesses wrong because the dealer moves the rock at the last minute, but I can feel it with my earthbending."

The man playing before us leaves his turn, crying. "You there," The dealer speaks to us, "Want to play a friendly game?"

"How could I possibly play? I'm blind," Toph used her disability card to feign helplessness.

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