The dinner

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     On Friday, after football practice, Bryan and I spent time in his apartment, after which he took me home in the evening.
- Come on, Miley asks about you every day. You have to stay for dinner, I said.
- I don't want to bother, he said.
- Please, Bryan.
     He looked at me for a few seconds, then gave in, saying "Okay." I stretched my neck to kiss him on the cheek and we both got out of the car. The moment we entered the house I heard my mother's voice, saying:
- Chase, it's you?
- Yes, mom, I said, hanging my jacket on the hanger.
- I hope you managed to get Bryan to stay for dinner, she said.
- Yes, mom, I said laughing.
- Hello, Mrs. Tomson, Bryan said, sticking his head in the kitchen door.
- Hi, Bryan. I'm glad to see you, my mother said with a huge smile on her face. How are you?
     I left them both talking in the kitchen, and I went up to my room to change. Passing Miley's room, I stuck my head in her door and let her know that I had managed to get someone to dinner tonight. He jumped up in joy and hurried out the door, down the stairs. I decided to take a quick shower, change and join them. After 20 minutes I was opening the kitchen door. Miley was sitting in a chair next to Bryan while mom looking at them. Miley was charmed by Bryan, and I understood her perfectly. It was hard not to be enchanted by this boy, it was so hard to resist him.
- You came just right, my mother said.
     I sat down to Bryan's right and gave him a smile. It was obvious on his face that he was relaxed and having a good time so far. During dinner, mom asked Bryan various questions, trying to get to know him, and he answered in a relaxed way, giving many details to some questions and a few to others.
- Chase, would you like to put Miley to bed, please? said my mother after dinner.
- Don't you need help with the dishes? I asked.
- I'll help her, Bryan offered.
- Ok then. Come on, Miley, I said.
     Miley said goodbye to Bryan and we went out the door together.

Bryan's perspective:
     I had a great time at dinner with Chase and his family. His mother is so nice and the conversation with her during the meal completely relaxed me. I told her about my situation with my parents, and she proved to be extremely understanding. Usually, the parents of other friends of mine considered my decision to move alone at 16, a proof of arrogance and immaturity, but Kristine understood why I did it. My parents were nice people, but they were absorbed in their work. I stayed in our huge house, waiting for them to arrive from work so we could spend some time together, but they always arrived late, tired and never in the mood to talk. I was tired of their way of life, and when I told them I wanted to move in alone, they didn't accept until I let them pay my every expense. I don't miss them too much, because even when I was with them, I was actually alone.
- Thank you for helping me with the dishes, Bryan, Kristine said.
- At least that's what I can do for the delicious dinner you made, I said.
- Bryan, I'd like to talk to you, she turned to me. About Chase.
    I turned to her so I could look at her and waited for the conversation to begin.
- Thank you for making my son so happy, she said.
    I was speechless. She knew? How? Did Chase tell her? I didn't know how I should answer her or what I should say. I froze.
- I know there's something going on between you two, Bryan, she continued after a few moments of silence.
- Do you know Chase is...?
- Yes, Bryan, I know. I've known for many years. Didn't he tell you?
- He didn't.
- He was only 14 years old, he had just entered high school... He was just sitting in his room, not talking to anyone, skipping meals. I didn't know why he was so changed, until one night, when I was going to the bathroom, I heard him crying in his room. It was 3 in the morning... I went into his room and then he told me. I stayed up all night, trying to calm him down. It was extremely hard for him, it took him a long time to get used to the idea that he was different.
- He told me that... that it was easy for him, I managed to say.
- I don't think he likes to talk about that time in his life. Bryan, know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. I would do anything for Chase, anything, and the fact that you managed to bring him back to the person who he was before the divorce between me and his father makes me more than fulfilled.
     I nodded, and she gave me one of her soothing smiles and stroked my cheek. I think she could see how destroyed I was, in fact, on the inside. Just as I was about to say something, Chase came in and interrupted us.
- Miley fell asleep, he said, and approached us. Danny called and told me they were going out tonight.
- I got a message from Christian, too, I said. You want to go?
- If you want too.
- Then we'll go, I said. But I need to go to the bathroom first.
- And I'm going to change, Chase said.
   We went upstairs together and parted the moment I entered the bathroom. When I left, I went to his room and knocked lightly on the door.
- Are you ready? I asked as I poked my head into his room.
    He was just pulling his shirt over his head. We went downstairs, and as I reached for the doorknob I heard Chase's mother saying:
- Have fun.
   We wished her a good night and we left for the place where we were going to meet the rest of the boys.

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