XVI - The Witches of Salem

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Late 17TH century

United States, British colony

Klaus and Fratello crossed the portal the warlock had created during the night time, when everyone in the castle was sleep. A few moments later, they finally reached their destination: Salem, a city of English settlers known as Puritans because of their religious orientation.

"I like the city, Fratello. I believe we shall make many friends here..."

"Do you mean victims, master?" The creature replied, showing its fierce teeth.

Soon they found a lodge, and they decided to stay there for a few days. They wanted to get more information about the locals. However, Klaus' real interest was to find out who were the people that would be killed for practicing witchcraft. If he discovered who was the wizard among the defendants, he would do the dirty work himself, and then absorb their magical powers, as always.

The subject most talked in the lodge was the witches' trial. A lot of people had been accused because a group of girls was experimenting episodes of seizures and hallucinations.

Noticing the high level of religious fanaticism prevailing in that community, Klaus decided to disguise himself as a reverend in visitation to cities in Massachusetts, including Salem. The dark creature turned invisible to people.

In his bedroom, Klaus passed his hand over his body and then he was dressed like a local. At the same time, a few yards away, a man fully dressed was walking on the street. Out of the blue, he had only a pair of long johns on. His clothes had disappeared completely.

"Dear God! What happened to my clothes? Would it be the work of those hags? I need to find a place to hide myself before people think I did some sort of magic with my clothes. I can't be seen as one of them," said the man that was a legit reverend. He prayed not to be exposed in that humiliating condition.

Meanwhile, at the lodge, Klaus admired his image reflected in the mirror.

"How do I look, Fratello?"

"You look fine. But I prefer the other way," replied the creature with a deep voice.

Klaus ignored his comment. After lunch, he went for a walk in the city. The warlock visited some bars to study the environment and the culture of the local people.

"Discover as many things as possible about the situation that is taking place here. I want to know everything about the ones that are practicing witchcraft."

Fratello then returned to his invisibility, and like a wind blowing, he passed around people. Some of them could feel a chill on their skin. It was the Doppelgänger doing his horrible job. At the same time, his master snooped around to find any piece of information that called his attention. Something big was surely happening there.

"Some children have accused a reverend and other people for influencing them with charms that made them see things, and also get sick. There's no other explanation for their seizures, faints and squirming," said the establishment owner to Klaus, who heard the facts quite enthusiastically.

"Are you sure simple girls are the responsible for that?"

"Absolutely. They are also possessed by entities."

"What an interesting piece of information. Thanks!"

"You're welcome. May I know where you come from, reverend?"

"I am visiting county cities to spread the word to unbelievers. Soon the power of our church will increase, and we'll be able to colonize the entire region, including the Indians' lands."

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