#21 Friends?

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A gasped a little, but recovered quickly. He wore a guilty look on his perfectly sculpted face.

"Hey." He mumbled, nervously running his hands through his hair.

"Um, Laura. I think I can help you find what you're looking for. You obviously won't find clothing in the fridge." I laughed nervously before dragging her by the hem of her blouse in the direction of my room.

"I'll just wait here." Shawn said awkwardly and he took a sit on the kitchen table.

There was obviously some unspoken tension in the room. And it's heavy, I really feel it weighing me down.

I got into the room and sat on the bed, the head throbbing, my heart pounding, my throat clenching. Suddenly there was no air to breathe. There was really no way to escape this situation, it's feels just like a horror movie.

"Are you going to help me or what?" Laura said, looking into the closet.

"Yeah of course."

I scrambled to the closet and pulled out my darkest clothing. Translation– my best outfits.

"These are perfect, they'll work just fine. But, I just can't decide which one screams– goth, more."

My mind was all over the place and Laura mindless banter was making it harder for me to think.

"What's wrong with you? You're paper white."

"I think I'm just feeling a little chilly."

"Cam. Do you know what I think?" She held my shoulder as though she was about to console me. "You need a tan." She sympathised.

Phew. For a moment there I thought that she would find out about me and Shawn. Thank heaven's she's not that smart.

"Oh." I said and sat on the bed then wiped a lone sweat of the side of my head.

"You know what? I'll take this one, it's not the darkest, but it's a tight fit." She took possession of my Kiss tee in her hands. Before she began skipping cheerfully to the door.

"No!" I screamed, not wanting her to leave me here alone with Shawn.


"I meant, no. You could do better, I can help you decide which outfit is darker."

She laughed. "Cam. Poor, sweet, clueless, Cam. Just because I'm lending your clothes, it doesn't mean that you have good fashion sense. Get that idea out your head."

She tilted her head in laughter, then laughed her way out my room and out the door.

As soon as she walked out, I knew that my time had come.

"And Shawn," she hollered right at the the door. There was hope in my heart that she'd take Shawn along with her. "Don't forget to give me Charlie Puth's number. I texted him on Instagram and for some strange reason, he didn't reply."

"I wonder why." Shawn said with sarcasm.

"Right? There are some weird people in the world."

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