#16 Melodies and curfews

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I promised myself that I'd be at home at half past ten tonight, I lay on the bed and looked at the clock that read 02:00 and wondered how in the world I ended up at home this late.

So I retraced my steps...

We burnt through time talking. He told me some wickedly funny stories about his evil french teacher back in highschool, which sent me laughing mad.

I told him about all the times I've fallen down in public and he laughed.

He laughed a little bit to hard.

He reckoned that he named me perfectly and he wouldn't stop bringing up the VMA's. I playfully refused to talk to him again, which forced him to apologise and told me a few stories about his embarrassing moments to make it up for his laughing.

He ended up telling me the wonderful tale of how he got his cheek scar and I laughed. The first time I saw him, I assumed it was a dimple. He hurt himself during shaving and I laughed myself silly.

Camilla danced in a Hawaiian skirt.

He then told me that I was being a bit unfair that he couldn't laugh at me, but I could laugh back at him.

I told him that's just how life works.

Camilla was already at home by then. Not because she decided, but her ride had arrived.

Laura passed out on the sand for a while. We then decided to play a little game with Laura's lifeless body. We had to wake her up without any form of physical contact.

The winner gets a hundred bucks. Risky, but I was surely going to win Shawn. I didn't spend my teenage years outdoors for nothing.

We both tried yelling at her but everybody else thought it was a party chant and started chanting back. So that plan backfired.

We just resorted to throwing tiny pebbles at her. I was very confident about this one, I've been throwing shade, tantrums and rocks all my life.

Laura's firery red head of clutter would finally be useful for once.

Surprisingly, she didn't wake up. I guess she has a hard head.

We both called it a draw. It was quite a shame because I was really looking forward to earning an extra hundred bucks.

Shawn was suprised at how late it was. He was so suprised that he'd dropped the F bomb. My ears were left traumatised.

I hadn't realised it has been this late too. I guess I have been having way too much fun hanging out with Shawn.

We called it a night and we both carried Laura, supporting her by her shoulders. She blinked herself to life and he helped me carry her to her apartment (which I noticed was so much more bigger than mine).

Made snide comments about her hard head on the way there though.

I soon let Shawn go and offered to take care of her. After all, she's my honey.

She then ran to the toilet and began involuntarily puking. I went on in and involuntarily pulled her firery hair aside for her. After releasing her prisoners, she began sobbing.

The next thirty minutes were absolute torture.

I guess that explains it...


The next day it was half past six, getting dark, and I had no intention of wasting an evening in a hotel– no matter how luxurious it was. Although I'm questioning the level luxury after seeing Laura's hotel.

I changed into my jeans, hoodie and a pair of comfortable uggs. Then with curiosity in my pocket, I set out to explore a little of L.A. tonight.

I wasn't interested in clubs or bars.

Instead, I roamed the streets and squares downtown. There were terraces of white town houses each with perfectly manicured front yards. Where every blade of grass or stand of rose bushes, they seemed perfectly placed and manicured.

Deeper into the city, people walked along eating, talking, buying, selling in the most liveliest way possible.

Los Angeles was a city that had that inevitable spark in the air, the whole world practically revolved around this city. And New York.

I took many photographs today. My goal was to get detailed photos to capture the lively spirit of this city and breathed in the rich L.A air while I was at it.

I might never come back here so why not make the most out of it?

I made sure I was done and dusted before my personal curfew. What happened yesterday cannot and must not repeat itself again.

I went back into the hotel, greeted the doorman and just as I was about to open my room door, the most angelic tune met my ears.

It echoed across the hallway and I was drawn. Just like a snake drawn to a flute. And just like a moth drawn to a flame.

It came from Shawn's door and I was strangely enchanted to the sound. It was the sound of a guitar and my mind couldn't stop drawing the image of he's hard grip on the guitar as he generates the soft, tender tunes with it.

I walked towards the melody and put my ear on the door, hoping that he'd go on for hours. I also hoped that no one catches me doing this.

But I think it'll be alright. I just explain to then exactly what's going on.

Don't worry, I'm not doing anything creepy, I'm just simply eavesdropping Shawn Mendes playing the guitar.

Mmm, that sounded better in my head.


Thank you tiaaa04 and Plainmilktart for always being the first to read.💖
You give me will to write.

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