#18 Teabag cigars

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Shawn sat on the couch and held up his guitar. I sat on the ground just before Shawn looked at me.

"Anything in particular you want me play?"

"No, I really don't–"

"Just make a suggestion."

"How about Photograph by–"

"Ed Shereen?"

"No, by Cure."

"Cure? Who the heck is that?"

I sighed. "Forget Cure, just sing me something of yours. It's about time I hear something from you other than that damned Señorita song."

"Okay." He quipped to play the giutar but he hesitated. He put his hands on the guitar then he removed it again.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm trying to find the perfect song."

"What for? Just play anything, dude."

Why did he hesitate? It was just me he was playing for.

And that word dude. I don't reckon why, but suddenly, it's starting to feel heavy coming out my tounge.


Shawn's POV

"Okay." I say and hold my guitar, but for some reason, I go blank.

I have all these diffrent songs with all these diffrent meanings, but none if them came to my appeal for me to sing to Clumsy. I feel some unspoken pressure to sing her a song that she'd like but a had a feeling that that might be a fatal attempt since she didn't find love convincing.

"What's wrong?" She frowned.

"I'm trying to find the perfect song." I admit.

"What for? Just play anything dude."


"Right." I placed my hand on the guitar.

"Wait." She stopped me. "There's this one song of yours that I knew. I actually used to liked it." She closed her eyes to recollect it.

She actually knows one of my songs. That's a shocker, I never guessed her for the type to listen to my music.

But that didn't matter because she likes it!

"I know this one," She squinted her face like she was about to transform into a super sai-yan. "We used to sing it back in high school."

That statement caused me to laugh. "High school was so long ago."

"Maybe for you, grandpa. Now shut up, I'm trying to remember that song." She tried humming the song and I immediately knew the song she was talking about. I matched my guitar to her tune and she smiled.

"Yes, that's it."

"There's nothing holding me back. That's the song you want me to play?" I asked and she nodded.

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