Highway to Hell

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We split up and started searching all over the place for any clues regarding the whereabouts of my mom and brother.Kevin and Grace went downstairs, Lizy went outside while Aron and I searched upstairs.

"I am sorry Jacey, we should have been more careful."Aron said looking at me with his beautiful green eyes. I made a quick glance at his overall appearance.He was wearing a black t-shirt on which is written 'Highway to Hell' and coal black jeans.

A few days ago I used to think that the path in which I go to school is the highway to hell but now, the way things have changed, I truly believe that I am on my way to hell."Jacey?"Aron said coming closer to me.He had been telling something but as I was in my own world I hadn't heard a thing. "Oh ,sorry.I wasn't listening."I said looking into his eyes, trying to understand what he was thinking and for the first time I understood what he was feeling. He felt confused."I was just thinking about how bad things have turned out to be in my life." I told him.

"I understand and I am sure things will change.",he said.His tone was a reassuring one so I secretly hoped that what he told will come true.He smiled at me.This time when I looked at him I understood one thing.He is beautiful.

We gathered in the living room and discussed on what to do next as we couldn't find any clues.Suddenly a letter popped out of nowhere and fell on Grace's lap."It must be from Professor, Read it out Grace."said Lizy looking concerned.

Grace started reading the letter.

I went through what you wrote to me.This is a big problem and not something you can handle alone.Aron ,you stay put for goodness sake.I am coming with some other guardians so that we can  bring Jacey back to Dranda safely.Take good care of her and make sure she doesn't get upset. I will tell you things in detail once we meet in person.

Professor Celestia Cornwall.

"Aron,she knows you too well. "Kevin said laughing.

"Maybe but that doesn't mean I will listen to her."Aron replied.

"So what should I reply?" Grace asked.Before anyone could reply my phone started ringing.The phone number was unknown to me.I picked up the call."Hallo? May I know who's speaking?"

The caller started laughing.I understood from that laugh I was talking to a man."My dear Jacey, you know me but you don't understand who I am. What a pity.But after today you will never forget me.You cant find your mother and brother right? "

"What? How do you know?"I asked him.

"If you want to see them, go to 27 Gnome street and into a house named 'The Wild Rose'.You will find them there.Goodbye for now."he said and cut the call.

"Grace tell them to meets us in 27 Gnome street, in a house named The Wild Rose.Mom and Ronald are there.We are leaving. Now who knows how to drive?" I asked.

"We have reached the house you told.The Wild Rose."Grace said gaping out of the window.

"Kevin park near that black-coloured house."

 "Got it."

 My first impression of the house-terrifying.It was black in colour and has a garden with alot of weeds.It has a chimney which looks like it is going to fall .In fact the whole house looked like it was going to fall down.We went up to the door.We knocked twice,no response.

Aron opened the door.The door creaked as it opened.We went inside and split up into two group.Grace, Lizy and Kevin went together to check the ground level and basement of the house while Aron and I paired up again because according to Grace, Aron is equal to two people since he is the strongest among them all. We went upstairs to investigate the first floor and if there is an attic,that too.

"There are two hallways here.One to the left and the other to the right."he said.

"You go right, I'll go left.Ok?"I told him as I looked at the dark hallway.


I started walking and after a while  reached two rooms.I opened the first door,went inside and got attacked by a few bats whom I killed using fireballs. Next I went into the second room.It was dark so I used fire to light up the area.There was a bed in there on which two figures were sleeping.Mom and Ronald. I ran towards them, crying.

"Mom....Ronald wake up its me, Jacey!",I said.

I turned them over and gasped.There throats were slit and blood was dripping from their wounds.Then I realized.They would never wake up if I called them.I would never hear my mom calling me for breakfast or Ronald's annoying comments .They would never hear me because of one reason.They were dead.

I screamed out loud, wailing, tears pouring out of my eyes and I doubted it would stop.The others must have heard me screaming because they all came in within a few minutes.

Grace's eyes filled up with tears but Lizy beat her in the crying part.She started crying seeing me like this and so Kevin took her out.Aron pulled me away from their corpses and hugged me tight. I cried in his arms.Grace checked their pulse and after that put a blanket over their heads.My head felt hot.My body started heating up.My tears of sadness got converted into ones of anger.I screamed out loud.Hatred filled up in my chest.All I wanted to do was destroy.Destroy everything.

 Aron moved away from me and said,"Grace,It's happening again."

"Yes I know.", She said and raised her hand onto my head, a green aura flowing through her hand but as soon as her hand touched my she pulled it back."I can't do anything. She is totally burning up.",she said, blowing on her burned palm. 

" But you did it the last two times.How can you say that?" ,said Aron.

By this time I had started to throw fireballs everywhere.I destroyed a mirror placed there and then a table.

Grace said "What I learned from her being like this is that the more intense her anger, the more the power she generates.The last two times her anger was controllable but now,I can't do anything. I am sorry."

"What are we going to do? We can't leave her like this.", Aron shouted.

 "Either we have to get Professor here or Jacey should be able to control it herself.In this situation the second one is impossible. Aron, we have to get them here fast or she will die."

 "What do you mean by she will die?",he asked looking shocked.

"The more the power she generates, the more the burn she gets in her body.The last time, there was one on her leg but I don't think she noticed it.This time the burn will be severe and the more the burn, the more the chances that she will die."

"You did good work analyzing her Grace but now leave this to us.", said a voice from behind.


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