The truth

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 After they made themselves comfortable in our living room I asked my mom,"Mom, is there something you wanted to tell me? What is this truth and all you are talking about? "She didn't reply.

"Who are they?"I asked her glaring at them with so much anger that the fire appeared in my hands.

"Jacey,Control your anger.Your anger is connected to your emotions.If you don't learn to control it then it will bring you even more trouble.",she said.

"How do you know about it so much?",I inquired. She hesitated for quite a while and then answered,"It's because you got this power from your father."I couldn't believe what she said.For a moment I thought I didn't hear right. "Mom did you just say that I got this power from my father?" 

"Yes Jacey, I believe it's time it's time you came to know the truth.You see your father was a guardian of Dranda.Dranda is a place nowhere to be found on the map.The people of Dranda are called Drests.He was a Drest.The Drests are people who can control any one of the 5 elements;Fire, Water, Lightning, Wind and Earth."

"About 25 years ago a Drest wanted to control the land of Dranda and later the outside world.Your father and the other guardians managed to defend Dranda but the destruction caused was intense. Dranda was destroyed.Your father and the other Drests and their families left Dranda in search of a new place."

After a pause she continued," Later your father met me and after we fell in love he told me all about his past.We got married and had two wonderful kids .Jacey, you have your father's gift."At first I thought she was joking but after seeing her serious face I realized it was the truth.

"A few weeks back your father got a letter from an old friend saying that Dranda has been restored to it's former glory and has invited us to go there and a start a new life .He had been searching for your father for years and finally got his address.So your father left for Dranda and decided to tell it to you after he came back, but today morning he called me and asked me to tell you about it.

I have no idea why he asked me to do it since he wanted to tell you about it himself.He will be back in a few days.Now kids,Why are you here?" ,she asked.

The other boy said."I am Kevin and these are my friends Aron, Grace and Lizy. We are also Drests .We got a mission from our superior to know more about Vlamoro, the man who destroyed Dranda."

"Our superior got a letter from him saying that he is going to destroy Dranda and this time he is going to use one of us as a weapon and that no one will be able to defeat him.The man you saw me kill was one of Vlamoro's henchmen.",Aron said looking at me intently.

Vlamoro.That name.I was positive I had heard that name before.Suddenly I remembered. "Mr Dishwasher.",I said softly ."What?" Lizy asked.She was the one who I almost got into a brawl with.

"Vlamoro Deshvoro,we learned about him today.It was said that he was the reason for the destruction of a town.However if it was Dranda and if Dranda isn't located on the map then  how did the people come  to know of Vlamoro? I asked.

"That's impossible. No one outside Dranda knows about Vlamoro and we had warned everyone not to talk about Dranda and Vlamoro when outside Dranda and we trust our people." Lizy said.

"You think I am lying?" I asked angrily.

"Wait, who taught you about Vlamoro? " Aron asked.

"My teacher, Mr Dunkin" They all looked at each other with an uneasy look on their faces.

"How long has it been since he came to this school?" 

" The day after dad left us." 

"Ma'am, we have to take Jacey with us."

 "Why?" My mom asked,she sounded worried.

"Dunkin is also one of Vlamoro's henchmen.He is a Drest and is linked to the guy I killed in the alley.That man told me that Vlamoro has found his weapon and will acquire that person in 2 days time.We came to see her because she has control over fire which is a unique ability no Drest in Dranda now has."

"Now that there are two Drests with power over fire",Kevin continued,"Vlamoro might be targeting Jacey or  her dad.We have to take her back to our superior." 

That did it.I lost my total control.I burned a table cloth as my hands were on the table.They stared at me with amazement."You won't be able to take me away from my mother."I felt a sudden urge of power flowing through my veins.I saw myself in the mirror, I saw that my eyes had turned red.I screamt loudly as another fireball went from hand."Grace!"Aron shouted."On it."Grace ran up to me and put her hand on my head.

After that everything around me went blank.I heard my mom shouting my name.I fell into Aron's arms.That was the last thing I saw.

When I woke up I was in my room.I saw my mom sitting next to me, Aron and his friends sitting on my sofa."Don't you dare sit on that sofa.It's private property."I said trying to get up.

They got up quickly and came up to my side.My mom had been crying and when she saw me awake hugged me tight.

"What happened to me? "I asked,putting my hand on my head.

 "Leaving your mother is something you can't bear.So your power went out of control but the way you changed ,It's like you turned into someone else."Lizy said."Jacey, you have to come with us.This power of yours shouldn't get into the wrong hands.Please come with us.It's for your own good." " No!" I snapped at her.I got out of my bed, ran out of my room and went out.It was midnight.I walked down the alley when I heard a voice behind me."Well, well look who's here.My favorite student."


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