The Decision

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"Look, I know that I have been attacked and all  but that doesn't mean I have to leave you mom.I can take care of myself like yesterday. Why don't we wait till dad comes back and then decide?"I asked.

"It's already decided Jacey, I couldn't reach your dad and please don't remind me of what happened last night.If it wasn't for Grace, you would destroy everything and everyone in your path.I don't want to leave you to but I am scared dear.I can't imagine something happening to you.I can't protect you but they can.",she said looking at them intently.

"But Mom-"

"Its finalized Jacey.You are going."

"Yes, I am going to school.It's time already."I didn't wait for the reply.I went upstairs, packed my bag and left without saying goodbye.

I started walking down the street.It was a 20 minutes walk to school but after reaching there I decided not to go inside.Instead I walked to the park near my house . Unfortunately it started raining so I had to go back home.I got in through the back door cause I didn't want the others to see me like this, soaked from head to foot.I heard voices talking about me from the living room.

"What do you think about Jacey?"It was Grace.

"She is as stubborn as a mule.I truly feel sad for her parents."It was Lizy.

Anger burned up in my stomach.

She continued, "But it is also clear that she loves her parents alot."

"Yaa,that's true."Grace agreed.

"Can we stop talking about her? She is annoying to me."It was Aron.

"Look who's talking.I saw someone really worried after she lost control over her power."said Grace

"No I wasn't.Speaking of which what is the Shisouni? The last time I saw that was in Catherine.",he said quickly changing the topic.I remembered Dunkin mentioning  something of that name before he died."Well, I am not sure.We better check it out with professor."Grace said.

I moved closer to the door and opened it a alittle bit.Grace took out a small packet from her pocket and made a square shape on the floor with powder from that packet.Then she took a sketchpen and started writing on the floor and after she finished writing, it just vanished on its own.

How did she do that?

Howver,Before I could think of something, the after effects of the rain was showing its effects on me.I started sneezing really badly.

"Who's there?" Grace asked turning in my direction.

"Its me."

"You're back."

" Yaa, cause it started raining.So I had to come."

I sneezed again,

Well, you've got a nasty cold, so you better go and change while I get you some medicines."

"No I am fine."

"No,you're not.So shut up and do what she says."Aron said impatiently.

"Excuse me? Who are you to command me?" I asked angrily.

"Do -",he started.

" Stop it you two."said Grace.

"Grace,Can you tell me where my mom is ? I want to apologise to her for what I did." ,I asked.

"I guess she is upstairs with your kid brother.Kevin is there with them, helping your mom with her wound."

"When did that happen?" 

"Yesterday night." 

Suddenly Kevin came downstairs and after seeing me said,"Jacey, your mom and brother are missing. "

They all got up from their seats.

"What do you mean they are missing?Grace said they were with you.They can't vanish into thin air" I asked in a harsh tone that surprised me.

"I don't know what happened. I had gone to the kitchen to get some water for your mom but when I got back I didn't see them.I searched for them everywhere.They aren't here.",he said.

I couldn't bear to hear the rest.I ran upstairs and started calling out for them.I went inside the room and saw the window open.I looked out but saw nothing outside.I sat down on the bed and started crying.They all came upstairs.I didn't want to cry in front of them but I couldn't help myself.

"I am sorry Jacey.I should have been more careful." Kevin said putting his hand on my shoulder.

 "We will find them and that's my promise."Aron said.Grace came and hugged me.Lizy put her hand on my shoulder too."Thanks."I said wiping my tears.

"Well, let's start looking for them.",I,said.

 "That's the spirit.In movies, there will always be some clues lying here and there.So lets search for clues."Aron said.


Heyy guys.I hope you like the book so far.If you did like the book, pls do vote.I am not getting the number of reads I aimed  for ,so if I dont manage to get 100 reads and 8 votes, I wouldn't be continuing with this book.Pls do tell your frnds.Thank you for reading it soo far.

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