Dranda Attacked

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We all ran out into the streets to see a few houses on fire, a lot of people panicking, a small child crying with his bunny rabbit and Drests fighting some weird and creepy looking creatures. If there was an award like 'The Most Horrendous Looking Creature Award' I am pretty sure that they would win it. Their faces were as dark as the night sky, eyes golden in color, long hair and physique is similar to that of a giant's.

The worst part of all was their body odour. Someone should seriously buy them a cologne for they smell even worse than a 1000 smelly feet.

While I was thinking about all this I hadn't noticed Professor running towards us. "Professor, what are these things?" Aron asked. "These beasts are called Seliads, the most foulest of creatures to thrive on earth. Their intelligence is way below average but their strength is beyond compatible. Aron, Take Jacey to the Jest, she will be safe there for only Drests can enter there. Lizy and Caron take care of the Northern and Western Part, Kevin and Grace are allotted the South and East. Secure the area and assist the young and old in reaching The Jest where they will be safe." We all nodded and started running in different directions.

On our way to The Jest many unsuccessful' Kidnap Jacey' attempts took place. First we encountered a Seliad who had appeared out of nowhere. Aron summoned a few balls of water and hit a thick branch on a tree which in turn hit the creature on the head. In the second attempt we ended up throwing orange juice into the eyes of the Seliad.

We both continued running and saw that a Drest was cornered by two Seliads which meant sure death if he wasn't saved. Aron ran to help him but he was kicked out of the way. He tried throwing as many balls of waters as he could but all went in vain. Instead one Seliad picked him up by the waist while the other one picked up the Drest.

I wanted to call out for help but the place was isolated. I stood there helplessly as I watched them both struggling to get out. I recalled my training that morning and closed my eyes to focus. I did exactly as Aron had instructed me and as a result a huge ball of fire hit the Seliads on their backs and they started to burn. They let go of Aron and the Drest who backed away to avoid contact with the burning fire. All that was left was a heap of ash and smoke.

Aron and the Drest ran up to me and gaped at me. Before they could say anything to me we heard the sound of a blast from the direction of the Jest. We ran in the direction of the sound and saw fire coming out of the Jest. We ran in and saw Grace down on the floor lying unconscious. Blood was flowing out of her forehead. We ran up to her.

Kevin reached there at the same time and was shocked to see Grace in a pool of blood. He sat down and took Grace into his arms. He put his hand on her forehead and a green light shone from his palm and soon Grace regained consciousness." What happened Grace? Are you okay?" he enquired.She nodded and tried to get up but the pain due to her injury restricted her from getting up and so she laid her head against Kevin's chest." Vlamoro was here." Grace said weakly.


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