Training - Phase 1

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I looked at Aron while he made a face at Kevin as the others left.He then saw me looking at him intently waiting to get an explanation, " Well someone had to stay near you right, so I volunteered." "Hmm...." I said and stared at the ceiling.I knew that wasn't the case so I felt a tinge of happiness pass through my veins.

"So how are you feeling? " he asked me. "Annoyed and very angry.I just want to learn to control this stupid power of mine, find my father, kill Victor and go back home with my dad.Far away from any of this if possible.I know it wouldn't be easy.I just want to live a normal life but that life is going to be incomplete without mom and my little brother. " I said.

I expected tears to appear as usual but this time it didn't.I wanted revenge and that's all I know.

"Does that mean you won't be there with us once its all over?" He asked me.

I made a thoughtful expression just to tease him and said,"Well I guess I'll think about it if I don't die before that."

"Well then first lets make sure that you don't die in a couple of hours cause I am going to be the one who is going train you tomorrow." He said smirking.

"I am seriously starting to consider dying than train with you.That was the 50th time." I said part whining.Aron, Grace, Kevin and I were in the training room.Grace and Kevin were talking, clearly showing that they want us to remember that they were there.It had been 2 hours already and Aron was starting to get into my head.

" Well in my eyes there hasn' t been any progress, so less talking and more training.That's my policy.Now let's try again.Concentrate all that fire in your palm and then take a deep breath and slowly send atleast three-fourth of that fire to different parts of your body.Then slowly make a ball of fire.The result of this training will be that you will be able to change the size of the fireball without even thinking about it.Let me show you again." He said.

He started with a tiny ball of water and then increased the size to a huge one.So huge was it that it almost filled the entire area.I had seen it over and over again and yet It never seized to amaze me.

"I would never be able to make it that big." I said gaping.

"This is the maximum size and no Drest has been able to increase the size to more than this.He is very gifted.To have mastered this much at such a young is no child's play.Only, and I repeat,only the best can do this big a ball of water." said Grace as she walked towards us with Kevin.

"His attitude is as brilliant as his talent.No one can defeat him in arrogance." said Kevin grinning.

"Oh please, give me a break." Aron said throwing a ball of water towards Kevin who intercepted it easily.However, Aron said "Got you" as the same ball of water hit Kevin behind the head.Everyone started laughing as Kevin started complaining to Grace.

Suddenly the door burst open and Lizy rushed in with Caron.There was fear and panic on her face."Come quickly, Victor has sent some monster-like creatures to take Jacey away.The streets are filled with them.War between Drests have begun."


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