The first day I saw my mom serious

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There was water all around the place. They seem to be coming from his hands.He was strangling a man with the water.I saw the man's face filled with blood, his eyes  red.He was kicking, trying to escape from the boy.Soon that man was dead.

The boy turned around and looked at me.He started walking towards me.Flames appeared on my palms.He looked shocked after seeing the flames and even more shocked after seeing me.I shot many fireballs at him and after distracting him started running.

I reached home and banged the door shut .A plate fell on the floor."Jacey! How many times have I told you not to bang the door?" My mom said."Including today, 659 times."Ronald said.He was sitting on the couch and watching TV.Mom came up to me and asked,"What happened today? Had a fight with Deidra?"."No mom.Sorry for doing that.I am going to bed."I said." What happened dear? Is something wrong?" "Mom-" "Are you ill? Tell me dear." "Mom! I am fine.Just leave me alone."

After a small pause she nodded her head and told me,"Ok dear, but don't forget,No matter what I will always be there for you.I wanted to tell you something but  i guess it can wait for one more day.Good Night".She kissed my forehead and headed  back to the kitchen.

Suddenly the bell rang.I walked up to the door and opened it.It was him.I saw him, the boy from back in the alley.A boy of about 18 years with sturdy shoulders,broad body structure,hair as dark as coal and green eyes.Accompanying him were two girls and a boy."Is she the one?" one of the girls asked."Yes, she is."he said smirking.

"You!Why are you here?Planning to kill me too?I can call for help since this is my neighborhood so you better get out of here."I said.

I started to close the door but he kept his leg between the door."We need to talk." he said.

"I dont want to talk to u."

"Well you have to or I will make sure you do."he said.Now he was partly inside my house."Not going to happen." i said pushing him out.

"Can I kick her?"said one of the girls.She was beautiful, her features were fierce.Her hair was auburn and her eyes dark brown,a rare combination."Try me" I said and flames appeared in my hand.That took her aback.

"Look, we are sorry for intruding.We really want to talk to u.Please, let us in"said the second girl.She looked like someone of a softer character with her black eyes and dark black hair."N-"I began.Suddenly my mom came up to the door and saw them.

"Hallo ma'am, may we come in? We would like to talk to her."she said. A ball of water appeared in her hand."Very well, come in."she said,looking quite serious for the first time in her life."But mom-""Let them come in.It's time you came to know the truth."she said firmly.

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