My awesome life at the age of 17

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"Jacey, get up.Its morning.",shouted my mom. "Coming mom." I shouted back.

"Another boring day."I told myself, struggling to keep my eyes open.

I tried to recall the events that took place the day before and remembered that since I set my neighbor's favorite rose plant on fire I had to buy him a new one.I told him that I was trying to burn  leaves  in my backyard using a matchstick and  by mistake the lit matchstick fell over the fence and that's how his plant got on fire.

A silly reason i must say since that wasn't what actually happened.I accidentally set it on fire while I was trying out my power.A power about which only my parents are aware of.I have the power to control fire.

It actually happened on my tenth birthday.I was trying to open a gift but it was tightly wrapped.Out of frustration I set it on fire.That's how my parents and I came to know of this.However,the funniest part of this story is that my parents were actually very happy.They hugged me and kissed me more than a 100 times and kept on saying " she's the first in ages".They asked me not to reveal this matter to anyone.

Have you noticed that in books the protagonist comes to know of his/her powers after being found out by another one of their own kind ?Here it's just the opposite.I know about my powers and so far no one has  come in search of me.

As I went down the stairs I heard a bang on the floor."Mom what happened?" I asked rushing to the kitchen.It seems that my brother Ronald had dropped the frying pan filled with boiled eggs on the floor and this was the fourth time this week.Mom looked quite angry but didn't say anything.If it was me she would've fried me in the same frying pan.

"Jac-" my mom started. "Jacey, You are late for school again.You might detention again."mimicked Ronald in my mom's voice.There was a pause for a while and I turned to look at my brother.As soon as i looked at him we both burst into laughter."Mom, you keep repeating the same thing everyday",i said."And you keep doing the same thing everyday."My mom replied."Anyway no time for breakfast,I got to reach school on time.Bye"I said,closing the door behind me.

Walking down to school is fine as long as I don't see Deidra the conceited and bossy snob from my class.Class is only fun because of my best friends Rosie and El.Roseline is a fun loving,bubbly girl.She has beautiful auburn hair but is  slightly plump for her age .Ellen is a perfect tomboy with short cut hair and lean body.First period was Mr Dunkin's class who was talking about a guy called Vladmir Deshvoro whom we teasingly call Mr Dishwasher.So Mr Dishwasher was a wanted criminal who burnt up a whole town.

The next class was music which is something Deidra thinks she is amazing in."I am the best singer."said El in Deidra's voice."I feel like slapping her face back and forth.She certainly has started to get into my nerves.""How about putting some cockroaches into her dress? Or some beetles on her hair? I assure you it will be fun"Rosie suggested."Nope, not today.I have to go to the library after school."I said.A question mark appeared on her face."Project""Ok fine." El said disappointedly.

The rest of the day went peacefully with Deidra getting detention for talking back to the teacher.On my way to the library Rosie called out,"Have fun with the books"and I laughed.

"Oh my God,I hate this project." I said burying my head into a book in the library. It was already 7:30 pm and I had to get back home by 8 .I finished my project by 7:45 and started walking back home after thanking the librarian.I was just going down the alley when I heard a noise and that's when I saw him.

That's it.First chapter done.I hope u like it..............

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