Spy in the council

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I stared at him.I didn't know what to say.

Suddenly he said," I mean you are our responsibility after all.We don't want anything to happen to you."

That made me mad.I mean who would say that ? Responsibility?  Was that it?

"Responsibility? You know what I want to be alone for sometime? I hope you don't mind." I told him.In my mind I said," If you want to live, stay away from me."

Then I saw a mix of expressions flash across his face.It was actually unexplainable. It varied from  sadness to uncomfort but something unexpected came across on his face.Guilt.

I walked to a bench in the park.It was almost evening.Never thought that time would go fast when you are in a council meeting.I was also very hungry but didn't have any money to buy something to eat.

So I sat down and watched kids play.Mothers were shouted protective advices to their children.I felt very upset.If my mom and brother were alive we would be playing here.I could see that panoramic view in my mind, the ecstatic smiles on our faces and a feeling in our hearts that this happiness would stay alive for eternity.

I decided to put that out of my mind.I needed to focus on Vlamoro and my dad.I needed to learn to control my power.So I decided to practice that.I got hold of a leaf that had fallen on the bench.I put it on my palm.I closed my eyes and started concentrating.I felt a surge of energy pass through my veins.I concentrated all that energy in my palm and when I opened my eyes I saw smoke coming from my palm.

The leaf started to burn around the corners but soon I lost control and only the ashes of the leaf remained.I tried and tried but all my work went to vain.

I was exhausted and very disappointed.I decided not to give up and succumb to exhaustion.I tried but everything went wrong.My eyes started closing and the world started spinning around me.Everything went head over heels.I fell on the bench.

"Jacey, Jacey listen to me.Its me, your father."I woke up to see that I was in a room where darkness ignited the walls.At a distance I saw a dark figure calling out for me." Jacey, it's me, your dad." I felt so relieved. " Dad where are you? Where is Vlamoro? I need to see you dad, why can't I see you? Dad mom and R- "  I couldn't finish. I started crying.

"My dear, I know everything but we don't have time to talk about it now. I don't have much time.Victor has got a spy in the Council. I don't know who he is but Victor is being well informed . He even knows about all that happened in the council meeting. Be Careful,Victor will stop at nothing in trying to get hold of you and your powers. Train hard and Be strong because evil lurks in your powers. The price of your power will be very high.Learn that Appearances can be deceiving.Also know that I will always be proud of  you no matter what."Suddenly I heard a loud scream. "Dad! Dad! What happened?  Dad!" I screamt.

I woke up with a start.I saw Aron and the others looking at me with concern.I was on the bed in my room." Oh God Oh God" I said covering my face with my hands.My eyes were filled with tears and the next second I started crying."What happened?" asked Aron, asking me to look at him. I didn't respond,  instead I pulled him towards me and hugged him.

 The others looked like the sky had fallen down but the most astonishing thing was that Aron put his arms around me and held me tightly while asking me to tell him what had happened.

"Aron, my dad.He is being tortured by Victor." I said crying against his shoulder while telling them what had happened in my dream. After I had finished the others asked me an ocean of questions like , " What had happened at the park? You were away for quite a long time and when we came in search of you we found you unconscious on the bench and the Shisouni's power had started to come out . What did you do?" , "Spy in the council? That's impossible. Everyone in the council are trustworthy." and " What is the evil that lurks in your powers?"

However Coren's question was way different. He asked," Why is Aron still hugging you? You know what that means.You two should definitely be a couple."

The others started laughing while I blushed hard but no expression came across Aron face, he didn't let go when I tried to pull away from him, leading to me leaning against him even more.

After that I said what had happened in the park.The next thing  everyone told at once was," YOU DID WHAT?"

"You are all going to burst my eardrums with that noise." I replied. " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT THE MORE YOU PRACTICE ALONE, THE MORE THE CHANCE OF THE SHISOUNI TO COME OUT?YOU COULD DIE!" said Lizzy shaking me.

Aron looked as ferocious as a lion.He looked like if he speaks then things will become bad for me.

"Well, I had never given it another thought. Sorry", I said feeling genuinely sorry.

"That's it.I am going to put a few restrictions on you.You aren't allowed to practice or train without supervision.You aren't allowed to go out alone until I feel that you have controlled the fire inside you.Don't try to argue with me cause it's not going to work." said Grace.

"Now that that's done, you and Aron can take rest while we go see professor. Did you know that you were unconscious for a whole day and Aron looked after you, not leaving your side the whole time?" asked Kevin grinning.


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