Aron and Jacey

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"What? How did he reach here?" Aron asked.Grace said," He knew that the Jest was the only place where we can keep Jacey safe. He attacked here thinking that he will be able to find Jacey here but luckily Jacey hadn't arrived. I came here in search of Mr John and when I saw Vlamoro I attacked him but he overpowered me and kicked me.I went and hit the wall and all I remember was him telling that he will be back."

"I came here to tell that all the Seliads have vanished into thin air. One minute they were there and next minute they were gone." Kevin said. Professor reached the scene and when she saw Grace she instructed Kevin to take her to the infirmary.

"They have retreated now but they will be back for sure and next time we will have to be ready for them. We have decided to put up a protective shield over the entire country which will protect us from those beasts. Aron we have decided to give the job of training Jacey to Harley, Caron's brother. We need you for the Scouting Mission. You are one of the best among the Drests." Professor said.

"Harley! Why him? You can appoint anyone else but I will never ever leave her alone with him." Aron said. I felt stubbornness in those words." I am sorry Aron but he is the only one available right now and so Harley will be Jacey's trainer. That's my final word." she replied.

I looked at Aron and saw his eyes raging. He looked as red as a tomato and the next thing I saw was him walking out of the Jest. I followed him. The sky had grown dark and he was moving at a fast pace. I ran and reached by his side. I caught hold of his hand and asked him to stop as I was out of breathe.

He took hold of my hand and pulled me towards a nearby bench.

" Who is Harley? Why do you hate him so much? Why don't you want him to teach me? "I enquired. His face turned fierce and grasped my hand tightly." Ow, Aron you're hurting me." I said gesturing to my hand.

He loosened his grasp and said," I am sorry. It's just, the thought of him training you is something which I hate the most. I wanted to be the one to teach you but now I am needed for other reasons.However I don't want him to be your trainer."

He paused for a while. Harley is Caron's elder brother. I hate Caron's family because his father was the reason for my parents' death." He said, shaking with anger.

"What did their father do?" I asked trying to look into his eyes but he just wouldn't look at me." My dad and their dad were best of friends.I grew up with Caron and Harley. We were always together and so were called 'The Three Musketeers'.",he said part smiling as if it was one of his best memories.

" It was my 11th birthday.After an earlier attack Dranda had been destroyed but after a lot of hardwork we restored Dranda back to it's original shape.However,One night an attack again took place in Dranda and my parents got cornered. Harley's father was there but he didn't help them out of fear. If he had helped then my parents would still be alive." He continued.

There was a long pause after that.After some time I told,"Maybe he still wouldn't have been able to save them if he tried."

"He could have atleast called someone to help.",he said.I didn't know what to answer for that.

I noticed that he still wouldn't look at me."Aron, look at me." I told him but no response . I turned his face towards me and I was shocked to see tears coming out of his eyes. I wiped his tears and in turn he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. After a long pause he let go of me and told me," Come, we should return home."

"Jacey, Jacey it's me your mom. My dear child I miss you a lot. Come to me, Come to me. You can reach me through Victor. My dear it's been so long since I saw you. Come to me, I'm waiting to see you. Come fast, your brother is waiting for you. Come, Come......"

"Mom" I scream out and after realizing that it was all a dream I put my hands on my face. "Jacey, are you okay? What happened? You have been screaming for the past 5 minutes."  Aron asked taking my hands off my face."You are sweating alot.",he said looking genuinely worried.

"My mom spoke to me in my dreams, she was calling out to me and was asking me to go to Victor. Why was she asking me to do that?"

Aron's face clouded up.

He told,"Jacey, don't believe in your dreams. They aren't true. Victor is manipulating your dreams so that you will go to him on your own accord."

I thought about that for a minute and finally told," I doubt I will be able to sleep now."

"I'll sit with you till you sleep. Get up. "He said, looking at me pleasantly. I got up and he sat down on my bed. I put my head on his chest and soon saw myself falling asleep.

Next morning I woke up as the sun rays shone brightly through the window. I looked up to see myself lying against Aron's chest and his arms around me. His hair was on his face and I saw that it was disturbing him. I moved it away from his face. For the first time I saw that his face was very peaceful. Suddenly the door opened and Lizy came in. She started," Jace-"and looked dumbstruck after she saw Aron in my room.

I shook Aron to wake him up. He woke up with a start. Aron looked at Lizy and where I thought he would be ashamed for what he did, he said," Can't you knock before you enter?" he asked sleepily. "Till now I thought this was Jacey's room and I didn't need to ask permission to enter.  Aron what are you doing in here?" Lizy asked,grinning.

"She's been having nightmares about which I will tell you later." He said sheepishly.

"Fine, Jacey-"she said looking at me directly" it's time for your training with Harley." Aron's face darkened.


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