Power under Control

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" You actually think there is someone like that? " , I asked.

"Jacey,your own father confirmed that. There is surely someone but the real question is who? We must not let this message reach our citizens. Already they are in a sort of mental distress,we dont want to increase that. Last time we got off easy with a few casualties, this time it is going to be a full fledged war.That son of Satan just won't back off."

" Why not give him what he Wants? Let me go. I can kill him" , I said softly.

"NO!" ,they all said in unison. I've never seen a group of people this united in what they say not that it's working to my advantage of course.

" We can't let you go. There will be some other way dear but please just let us handle this." , Grace said soothingly, her hand on my shoulder.

I got up and walked towards the door.

" There is no way you can stop me. I will go. I want to go. I know I'm getting stronger. I know I can save everyone including my father, so many people have already died because of me. Not anymore. No more please. This is torture. He is torturing me bit by bit. Next he will aim at you all. I don't want that. I will go ." Tears that I tried so hard to control gushed out each time with a higher intensity.

My anger has reached it's boiling point.I thought of the fate of my family. Not again. I looked down to see that my hands have begun to glow red. It's coming out again.The Shisouni.

"Caron, Kevin get hold of her Now " , Professor said. However this time they couldn't keep me down. I pushed them aside with great force that Kevin landed on Harley and Caron went and hit the bookshelf.

" She's losing total control Professor! ", shouted Grace.
Aron came and pushed me down and like the other two he too got thrown away.
"Somebody do something! " , he shouted.

No I need to suppress this. I need to control it. I need to prove my training has been paying off. All that training I did even without the others not noticing. I want to show what I can do. I will control it.

I focused all my energy on suppressing that evil from coming out.The pain was off the charts.A loud scream escaped from my mouth. Grace was on the verge of crying. All others specially Aron looked desperate. They wanted to help me but didn't know how.

" Wait! Look! She's returning back to normal! " , shouted Lizy.

It was true. The red glow on my hand began to fade. My legs buckled and I fell on my knees. My breathing was shaky and heavy. I had a few burns but not as many before. They were less painful too.

The others ran upto me and sat down beside me. Aron put his arm around me to give me support and Lizy held out my hands.
" Let me treat those burns Jacey." Grace said as she began doing so.

" How did you? How did you do- "
It was Harley.
" I don't know"
" That's never happened before right Professor ? " , Aron asked.

" No. Never.", muttered Professor softly.

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