chapter 14

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"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"

The question caught most of the students off guard. Making them murmur amongst themselves as their English teacher looked quite amused at the situation.

She gave it a few minutes until she pointed to the blonde at the back.


Niall stood up, easy smile matching his easy posture. He ran a hand through his hair which was flat from the snapback he had on earlier.

"uh well- probably in London.." Niall muttered embarrassingly, looking at the eyes of all his classmates.

"Why is that?" Miss Callingar asked.

The blonde started to play with the bracelet on his wrist.

"Well uh.. cause- I wanna work there" Niall nodded at his answer although he didn't know why he said London.

Wasn't the plan all along supposed to be set in stone here. At home. The bakery was here, his mam and dad were here, Theo was here..

Miss Callingar smiled warmly at her student before asking him to sit down and asked a few more students before handing them pamphlets.

"This week is career week. You'll be excused during 2 periods after lunch to go to the gym where the tables for career choices will be set up. Have a look around and think about what you're gonna do. This will also affect your college applications"

The bell rung after that and Niall found himself being flung side by side by his best friend and twin brother.

"Career week, yes!" Louis jumped, almost knocking out a freshman behind him.

Niall apologised for Louis and Nate nodded absentmindedly to Louis talking excitedly about.. Stuff. Honestly, he wasn't paying attention because Max was walking towards them with a smile, waving from down the hall and not noticing the girls eyeing him from locker to locker.

"And that is my cue to leave, see ya bro!" Nate ruffled Niall's hair before going to Max, smiling at him as he was greeted.

"Man, Max is whipped. Look at him!"

Niall and Louis eyed one of the Styles twins who was laughing at whatever Nate was saying.

And they didn't miss it when Nate winked at a guy behind Max who gave Nate a quick once over but Max was oblivious to it.

"And my brother is not" Niall sighed.

"Can't rush love, darling" Louis shook his head at his words, patting Niall's head.

"Could you guys stop that!" Niall groaned, pushing Louis' hand away.

"Bet if Harry did it you wouldn't mind"

Niall gave that a thought before shrugging.

"He does it in a whole different way"

"LALALALALA ANYTHING BUT NIALL AND HARRY SEX ESCAPADES LALALALALA" Louis practically shouted, his hands over his ears as everyone stared. Niall's eyes widened as he hit the back of his best friend's head.

"Shut the fuck up you eejit!"

"Stop talking about your sex life!" Louis shouted back.

"I wasn't!"

"For fucks sake guys, I leave you for two seconds" They whipped their heads to see Nate raising his eyebrows in question, of course Max at his side like some loyal puppy.

"He was taking about sex with Harry!"

Nate and Max pulled a face. "Ew"

"No I wasn't, oh screw you guys" Niall huffed, stomping towards the lunch line and ignoring the weird looks he got as he unlocked his iPhone.

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