chapter 3

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And there goes his chair flying to the other side of the room and losing a leg.

It still wasn't enough.

"Max, I think-"

Harry stopped his boyfriend from saying anything else as Max started to break each of his soccer trophies. Max was good at it, Harry was not.

"Let him let off some steam" Harry sighed, pulling Niall close to him. He didn't what to do right now. His brother was in a bad state and all Harry wanted was to have Niall close for support.

He felt Niall lips on his ear.

"We'll help him okay?"

Harry nodded and cringed when he heard Max's scream crack and a full on sob replaced it.


Niall ordered pizza while Harry tried to calm Max down. He was ranting and screaming and crying and it was just awful.

Max was usually so cheerful and full of life.

Seeing him like this just because of his, Niall's brother made him sick.

The doorbell rang and Niall left to go and get it.

He was ready to just pay the guy and leave but stopped when he saw who it was.



Louis looked at Niall with his eyes hard and cold.

Niall hadn't heard from him since that incident.

"That'll be 17.30"


"No change? Good" Louis took the money and thrusted the pizza in Niall's hands.

"Louis, wait!" Niall rushed to put the pizza on the table and ran out to see Louis already getting on his motorbike.

Niall ran up to him and tackled him to the ground, knocking them both down.

"What the fuck is your problem, Horan!" Louis exclaimed.

"I need to talk to you dammit!"

"I have nothing to talk to you about you asshole!" Louis shouted at his face, trying to get off.

"No! Stop it Lou, Im sorry I ruined your chances with Liam okay!"

Louis rolled his eyes. "Well that's one good thing that came out of it"

Niall looked at him confused.


Louis sighed and gestured to Niall to get off him. Niall gave up and stood up. He watched as Louis sat on the curb and looked at Niall with his eyebrows raised.

"Well c'mon you're the one who wanted to talk"

Niall laughed and took his place next to his partner in crime.

"Ok talk" Louis instructed.

And Niall rambled on an apology about how he was sorry he blurted out that Louis liked Liam and he ruined his chances and sorry he didn't try any harder to get Louis back as his best friend and that led to telling Louis about what has happened lately with Nate and Harry and Max.

When he finally finished, Louis pulled Niall into a bone crushing hug and Niall accepted it, full on hugging back.

"And you didn't ruin my chances you idiot"

"What do you mean?" Niall asked.

"Me and Liam. You didn't... " Louis pulled back from the hug and laughed.

Niall's eyes widened.

"Fuck! Really?!"

"Shh, Niall! They're neighbors" louis teased, laughing.

"Don't play with me Tommo, are you serious?!" Niall asked excitedly.

Louis laughed and nodded.

"Yes, yes. We're .. Uhh together I guess. But don't tell anyone. We're keeping it from the public." Louis shrugged.

Niall made a motion of zipping his mouth and Louis nodded.

"Now, let's go see how Max is"

Niall sighed and stood up.

"I don't know what to do"

"I do"

Niall looked at his best friend expectantly.


"We gotta get him noticed"

"By who?"

"By Dumbledore Niall, so he can be happy again. Obviously by Nate you dumb ass!"

Niall smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, okay"


"Okay ma, yeah. Okay"

Max sighed once he got off the phone and looked at the three of them expectantly.

"I hope that was worth a lie"

"Wait, she gave you permission?" Louis asked.

"Me, yes. Harry.. No" Max gave Harry an apologetic smile. He knew Harry wanted to stay and go to school here too so he could be with Niall but his life was back in London and Max had to lie to his mom about how Nate needed him now.

Niall's shoulders deflated and Harry pulled his boyfriend onto his lap, making the blonde yelp in surprise.

"Don't be upset princess, I'll visit every weekend" Harry teased, giving Niall a slow kiss on the cheek. Niall's breath hitched.

"Oh shit, princess really? Some kind of kink going on here?" Louis asked, laughing.

Niall's cheeks reddened and he could feel the heat from his ears to his chest.

"Sh- shut up!" Niall stuttered out.

Harry chuckled, he liked seeing Niall all flustered.

Louis turned his attention towards Max.

"Right. About you.. You're starting school on Monday and we have a lot to do" Louis shook his head.

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"Well first of all, you need to get that long hair cut off"

Max's eyes widened and his hands went flying to his hair.


Louis shook his head.

"A lot" he muttered to himself.

A/n : im sick *cough*

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I'm sorry I've disappeared but I'm sure not many read this shit I write so I don't think I was missed.


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