chapter 25

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"WHOOO! That's my baby!!"

"Um excuse me-" Niall and Nate pulled Louis back before he could object the girl who was screaming that when Liam came on the stage.

"Shut up Lou" Niall laughed when Louis tried to protest, frowning when another shouted "LIAM YOU'RE MY HUSBAND"

"The world doesn't know, Lou. Relax" Max said in amusement, eating his liquorice while saying so.

"Where did you get that?" Harry narrowed his eyes at the candy.

"Backstage" He shrugged and what a mistake that was because girls in front of them turned around to look at Max with wide eyes.

"You have backstage passes?!" One screeched. Max looked at the girls with wide eyes and a mouth stuffed with liquorice while shaking his head.

"Nope nope no I don't!" He said quickly. One girl was about to open her mouth until Nate pulled Max by the collar and raised his eyebrows.

"Are you flirting with those girls, Maxwell?"

Harry, Niall and Louis stepped away with amused smiles on their lips.

"N-no! God, no!" Max was shaking his head vigorously and if heart eyes were a thing, then the girls had them.

"Oh my gosh are you guys together!"

"That's so cute!"

"A gay couple at a Liam Payne concert!"

"Can I get a selfie?"

"Nice move Nathan" Louis snickered.

"You know we're all gay" Harry supplied and the rest of them glared at Harry while the girls looked like they were going to demolish them.

"I'm gonna murder your brother, slowly" Niall said under his breath as Harry took a hold of his arm.

"Dibs on his head" Louis rolled his eyes.

Before the girls could do anything though, the five of them sprinted off towards the exit and towards the backstage entrance, flashing their ID's.

The four of them flopped down on the couch situated in Liam's dressing room with a sigh while Louis went towards the make up table.

"Is it weird my boyfriend wears make up?"

"It's just powder, Lou" Niall said. Louis waved him off as if that particular information wasn't important as he picked up a can of hair spray.

He shook it.

"Louis..." Nate warned.

He grinned at the Horan twins, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Wanna play makeover?"


Max and Harry were on the couch, laughing with tears in their eyes and clutching their stomachs in agony.

Louis didn't play around with makeovers.

Nate and Niall tried to run at first but Louis was well.. Louis. He had the Horan twins sit down in front of him as he played with the hair products and now Niall and Nate had towels wrapped around their head.

Lou came in, took one look at what Louis was doing and then left them to it.

"What colour did you use, Louis" Niall tried to sound calm but he was secretly worried about it. Louis had blindfolded them as he mixed the dye just now.

"Don't worry, you guys will love it" Louis slapped Nate's hands from touching the towel on his head.

"This is all your fault, Harold!" Niall said, glaring at his boyfriend.

"How is it my fault that your best friend wanted to dye your hair!"

"Have any of you seen Zayn?" Louis wondered out loud.

"I think he was checking out the band that opened for Liam just now" Max replied.

An alarm went off on Louis' phone and he grinned.

"Great, they're finished!"

He took off the towel on Nate first.

"FUCKING HELL" He shouted at his own reflection.

"Like it?" Louis grinned.

Nate touched his hair, the once brown head was now blue at the roots, green at the rest of the head and a little purple at the front.

"Holy shit it's awesome" He said, touching his hair.

"Okay now I'm scared" Niall mumbled as Louis took off his towel.

Niall's wasn't so colourful. Except that it was fucking lilac.

"You gave me a girl colour?!" He exclaimed, glaring at Louis through the mirror.

Louis shrugged. "You are the girl in the relationship"

Niall was off his seat and charging towards Louis in a second. Harry shot up, taking Niall in his arms and holding his thrashing boyfriend back.

"What the fuck Louis!" Niall shouted. It was a good thing Harry was strong.

"Hey hey, look at me" Harry turned Niall around. The three of them exchanged looks and left the room.

"I look fucking stupid" He groaned, burying his face in Harry's chest.
Harry wrapped his arms around Niall and let out a chuckle.

"You never look stupid, babe"

"Don't humour me"

"I'm serious!" Harry pulled back to grin down at his lilac haired boyfriend.

"I love it"

Niall scoffed . "Sure"

"Wanna know why I love it?"

Niall raised his eyebrows.

"Because I love youuuuuuuu" Harry said playfully, kissing the tip of Niall's nose as the once blonde boy laughed.

"You're so cheesy ugh" He groaned, pulling Harry by the collar and giving him a real kiss. His lips slotting through Harry's and his tongue exploring Harry's mouth.

Harry groaned, pulling Niall closer so they were pressed against each other. Niall pulled at Harry's long hair, loving the soft feel on his fingers.

"You had meeeeeee wrapped around your finger! I'm wrapped around your fingeeeeerrrrre!"

Harry and Niall pulled back, rolling their eyes as Louis walked in with Nate, Max, Zayn and a couple other boys in tow.

"You've got the tune wrong, Mate" a blonde boy said, patting Louis' shoulder.

"Lucas!" Harry grinned at them in greeting. The last time they met was at Callie's wedding.

"Wait a minutes.. Lucas. Is - you, LUKE HEMMINGS?" Niall wasn't blinking as he looked at the four of them.

"Yeah don't you remember Ni, we met them at your cousin's wedding" Harry said, an arm around Niall's shoulder.

"That was them!?" Niall wanted to faint.

"And and I'm the one with amnesia!" Nate shook his head.

The four boys that Niall were still staring at in disbelief were exchanging confused looks.

"Come on in, Boys. It's story time" Louis said, grinning at them. Louis shut the door just as the lot of them piled in.

A/n : is it almost over????
Yes, yes it is.

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