chapter 11

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Goodbye my almost lover,

Goodbye my helpless dream

I'm trying not think about you..

Can't you just let me be?

Nate stopped at the entrance of the diner, something triggering his heart and his mind .. From that voice.

Was that Ryder? He could really sing..

He was really good and Nate was sure he hasn't heard that voice before so why does it seem so familiar??


"Knock knock"

Nate looked up from his phone to see Max grinning at him, walking into his room like it was his second home.

The bed dipped as Max laid down next to him, placing a soft kiss on Nate's lips that made the shorter of the two blush from the intimacy of one little kiss.

"Hey there" Nate couldn't help the smile that crept up on his face when Max was this close to his face.

"Hi" Max knew what he could do to Nate and he very much liked it. He liked it that Nate gets flustered and overwhelmed just by Max sitting this close to him, it made his heart flutter.

Nate let his phone drop on his lap, wrapping his arms around Max's neck and slotting their lips together.

Max moaned from the pressure, pulling Nate so he was on his lap, deepening the kiss as his tongue traced the curve of Nate's lower lip before tangling it with Nate's.

Max pulled away after a few minutes, laughing breathlessly when Nate who was on top of him now, whined in protest.

"Defeating the purpose of why I'm here" Max said with a small smirk.

"You mean you didn't come here because you wanted to see your boyfriend?" Nate challenged.

Max smiled, letting his hand push back Nate's hair and softly trace an invisible line down Nate's face.

"That.. And also I found a new song"

"Hmm?" Nate raised his eyebrows as he got of Max and the green eyed boy took Nate's guitar by the side of his bed and started strumming.

Max started to sing softly through the song and Nate watched mesmerised as his boyfriend's heavenly voice reached his ears.

When Max finished, Nate tackled him.

"You didn't tell me you could sing!"

"Well I guess now you know" Max grinned cheekily.


"You going in kid?"

Nate blinked, looking towards the man that voiced up from behind him.

He didn't notice he was standing at the entrance all along.

"Oh- im sorry, yes" He shook his head. This is ridiculous. He has never heard Ryder sing and he doesn't even know that song, maybe he needs therapy.

"Nate? What are you doing here?"

Nate let an easy smile pass his face when Ryder said his name.

He didn't know why but Ryder was a mystery he wanted to know. Ryder seemed really sweet although he looked tough from the outside and Nate found himself more curious than ever. Ryder made him want.

Forgotten Boys > Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now