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Kath just got a call from the hospital. As she talks to them at the breakfast table, she looks more and more worried.

As soon as she gets off the phone, she looks at us. "Guys. Lisa is...gone."

"What?" Lauren says in an incredulous voice. "What do you mean, 'gone?' She's in the hospital."

"Yeah," I look at Kath. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know," she says, putting her head in her hands. "That's all they said, they told me that they would call me back in a few minutes with more details."

I feel sick to my stomach, What does "gone" even mean? Lauren seems to be thinking the same thing.

"But what does 'gone' mean? I still don't get it. Like, she's not in her room?"

"I don't know, okay?" Kath snaps. "Just cause I'm older doesn't mean I know everything!" She runs up the stairs, already crying.

Lauren looks at me and we both start to head up the stairs.

"Wait," Nick says. "Give her some time, none of us understand this."

Chad stares blankly at the wall. I go sit down next to him, "hey."

"I...I don't understand."

"None of us do."

He looks at me.

Emmyn comes up next to me. "Hey, Dan. Let me talk to him."

I nod and go to Lauren. We grip each other's hand tightly. Everything's a blur.

I watch Emmyn quietly say something to Chad, and Chad looks a little happier. Next, Max comes up. Saying something else to Chad.

Damn. How are all the men better at comforting each other?

*Driving to The Hospital*

Katherine sobs in the backseat, clutching Chad who stares out the window. Even though she's the oldest, she is the most affected because it's just her personality. I'm pretty worried too and I can tell Lauren is as well, but she's holding it together for us. She drives and I sit in the seat next to her. We are going to the hospital to get more information because they haven't called us in over an hour. We arrive a few minutes later and everyone immediately rushes in. As we arrive at the front desk, Kath, who has stopped crying, starts speaking at a fast pace. The lady slows her down, "Whoa, honey, I can't. understand what you're saying."

Katherine explains everything in a slower voice and the lady says, "Okay, we are doing our best to look for Lisa and there are dogs on her trail because of the shoe, but there are no new updates, and you technically aren't allowed in the hospital because of COVID19. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. We will call you if anything changes."

"No!" Katherine yells, and starts to run towards the COVID ward. "I need to talk to Christina! I don't care if I get sick or die!"

"Whoa!!" I run after her and manage to grab her, and a second later Lauren comes up and grabs her other arm.

We drag her towards the entrance as she sobs uncontrollably. "Thank you," I whisper to the receptionist and she nods, a worried look on her face.

In the car, Kath still struggles against us until we lock the doors. Chad tells her us he needs a little time alone so he goes to the edge of the parking lot and leans against a tree facing away from us. Meanwhile, I tell Kath we can FaceTime Christina and that calms her down a little bit. I type Chris's number into my phone and hope she's not sleeping so she can pick up.

"Hi," she croaks when her face comes in to view.

Kath turns away from the screen, burying her head in the leather car seat. I rub her back as I say hi and explain that we are in the hospital parking lot but cannot visit her. Her face drops at the news and drops even more when I tell her what's going on with Lisa. In a slow and hoarse voice she tells us that she heard Lisa screaming for help and that's the last she heard of her. My horror increases as she tells the story and Lauren and I glance at each other. What happened? How could our sister just DISAPPEAR from a hospital? We talk a little more, Kath even saying a few words, until Chris tells us she's tired and wants to sleep. We promise to FaceTime again soon and hang up.

The drive home is silent, with Kath and Chad still in the back and Laur driving and me sitting next to her. At least, it's silent until Kath screams. "Kath??" I say and immediately whip my head around. Laur strains her neck to look in the rearview mirror, but I remind her to keep her eyes on the road.

"Sorry," Kath apologizes. "Didn't mean to scare you, but the hospital is calling!"

"Well then answer!!"

"Okay, um...Hi? This is Katherine Cimorelli speaking. Okay. Yes. So did- are- are they part of it? You...you don't know? Okay. Yes, thank you. Um, please update me, if you get anymore information. Yes. Thank you." She sighs and hangs up. "Four of the nurses have been missing for days and they are suspects. So basically, the people who are supposed to be taking care of our sisters maybe kidnapped one of them."

"But why?" Lauren and I ask at the same time.

"I don't know," Kath says quietly. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. I just want all this pain to go away. I want it to be like before, when we were just a happy band of sisters."

I look at Lauren but neither of us says anything, because the truth is, we agree.


Corona Virus in The Cimorelli Household (A Cimorelli FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now