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I can't breathe. "Water..." I croak. The nurse fills up a cup and hands it to me. With weak, trembling hands, I bring it to my parched lips and drink slowly. My throat is closing up. I'm not sure I'm going to make it through this. Honestly, at this point I'd rather just die than be in this much pain but I'm holding on for my sisters.

A few minutes later the nurse tells me that Christina is on the phone and asks if I want to hear her talk. Of course I do! I nod and she puts the phone next to my head.

"Hi Lise, honey. I love you so much and I'm so glad you're okay."

I can't speak at this point so I just listen. She goes on, and as she does, tears start to drip down my cheeks.

"Oh Lise, we're falling apart without out you, Chad is so sad, and- and- I don't know how much longer I can hold on without you!" Her voice breaks but she doesn't cry. I know she's trying to be strong for me.

Chris passes on the phone and each of my siblings talk to me, I love hearing their voices, but it drives me crazy that I can't talk to them. I'm in so much pain- I just want them to end my misery- kill me, but I'm holding on for them.

After all my siblings and Chad talk to me, I'm tired. I fall asleep to the soothing sound of Kath's voice reading a poem she wrote for me. 

Corona Virus in The Cimorelli Household (A Cimorelli FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now