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"I'm going back for the other one, if you let this one escape, I will kill you." I say in my most fierce voice.

Karla nods fervently and then walks away. The other two, Lizy and Angel glance at each other and then nod and walk away. I don't trust them as much, but you get who you get.

I get into my car and insert the key into the car and start the engine. I back the car out of the overgrown driveway, cursing at the prickly thorns that threaten to cut my tires. This shack- if you even call it that- is barely ideal, but it's good for hiding the girl, Lisa, and will be even better when I have my other specimen, Christina, Lisa's sister. I think about my plot for a while, then get bored, so I turn on the radio.

Oh, well, that's a coincidence.

"You look in the mirror and you don't like what you see

The person looking back at you is not who you want to be"

It's the brats' song. I listen to the music for a little then think about the lyrics and the music fades into the background. It's true. I do hate myself. I hate myself for everything I'm doing. But I'm so close to getting want I want. Money.

Money to help my mom, sick in the hospital. Money to help my dad, who is living on the streets. Money to help me. I'm barely hanging on.

It just so happens that I kidnapped spoiled brats.

So it kind of works out.

*3 days later*

I've finally made it to the hospital and snuck in the back door which is conveniently still alarm disabled.

I glance down the halls of the COVID ward. Not a nurse in sight. Like a snake, I slink down the hall and go to room 407. Christina Cimorelli's room. I slowly open the door, half expecting a nurse to pop out and grab me but nobody is there. Nobody?


Where's Christina?

The bed is neatly made, with a clipboard on top. I get closer and read it. In messy handwriting, it says "Patient dismissed, please prepare room for new patient."

I. clench my fists to keep from screaming. I made the three day drive down here just for this? I can't. I should get someone else. Suddenly a lightbulb goes off in my head. Good thing there are plenty of Cimorellis in the hospital. If not Christina, what about Amy? Sure, not as popular, but still will earn a lot of money. Just as I am about to place the clipboard back in it's place, the door bursts open.


Corona Virus in The Cimorelli Household (A Cimorelli FanFic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ