Chapter 10: Bully

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The boys started to train again. They wanted to trained hard to make it to nationals. They finally finished training. I was helping Kiyoko putting the equipment away.

Noya: Dude that's nuts

I turn to them curiously. The others were curious as well. Tanaka showed Them the magazine. They started to talk about Toshi. He had a whole page to himself. I walked my way towards them and took the magazine from Hinata's hand. Daichi was saying that that's how a Ace should look like. Asahi got a bit gloomy I glared at Daichi and he kept quiet.

Ryoko: He's Hot!

Yuki: He is handsome....

I looked at the picture and smiled, I really miss him. I texted him a few times but I think he changed his number or he's just really busy because he never answered back. I heard some of the boys huff in annoyance. Ryoko took the magazine from my hands and started to admire Toshi.

Ryoko: That jawline...

Yuki took the magazine from her hands and and started to admire him as well. It was kinda weird for me.

Yuki: I really like his eyes!

Ryoko: I do too makes him look tougher

Kc: *Giggles*

The boys growled, then the magazine was taken away from her hand from Daichi. He had a small frown on his face, Asahi and Suga did as well.

Ryoko: Aww come on we were seeing that

Yuki: It's fine we can take the one Kc has

Kc: No you won't....

Ryoko: Your right that one shows his muscles!

I coughed I never noticed, I mostly looked at the other pages. Mostly the soccer section it's been a while since I played.

Kc: Stop being weird.....

Coach Ukai came and told us about the teams we were going against. I was hoping maybe I could see Toshi.

Ukai: Last but not least Shiratorizawa....

I gasped slightly and my face light up, Yuki and Ryoko laughed a bit. They know how much I miss him. Now that I think about it I don't think they know we are related. Coach Ukai gave the boys encouraging words and with that the day was done.
It was break time, I got out of class and went to get something to eat. As I was walking back to class I saw Yui and Daichi talking to each other. I couldn't help but feel a bit sad and mad.

Kc: ( Why am I feeling this way....)

They were smiling but then something happened and Daichi's face went serious. I shook my head and started to enter class.

???: Kc!

I turn to see a girl, I think she was one of Mary's friend. I smiled at her but she looked serious.

???: You might not remember me but I'm Kita Im one of Mary friends. Mary she's crying and we didn't know what to do. We looked for Mike but couldn't find him anywhere.

My smile faded and I frown a bit. Mary has never cried before.

Kc: I'll go check on her

Kita: Thanks you!

We walked passed Daichi and Yui, well more like ran passed them.

Daichi: Kc?

Kita slowed down a bit probably to tell him, I ran a bit more and saw her curled up her head was on her knees. I went on my knees and grabbed her shoulder gently. She turn to look at me and her eyes were a bit red and watery.

Kc: Mary Whats wro-

Before I could finish she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and she started to cry even more. I calmed her down and after a while she looked at me again.

Mary: T-They took it a-away from me....

Kc: What did they take?

Mary: M-My necklace...

She always wore a necklace, it was a beautiful one. Her best friend gave it to her but unfortunately she died due to a illness. That necklace was the last things she gave Mary. That got me pissed, first of all why are they stealing form her and second is she getting bullied and we never knew about this.

Kc: Who took it from you!

Mary: T-These boys...they cornered me and yanked it off....They always bothered me

I started to clench my fist out of anger. So they have been bullying her.

Kc: Does Mikey now about this?

Mary: No, please don't tell him!

Kc: Mary you cant hide stuff like this from us, now how do these boys look like.

She looked at me and got scared, I was mad, She hesitated but eventually told me.

Kc: 3rd years huh....I'll be back....

Mary: W-Wait Kc

I looked at her and she backed up a bit, I knew I couldn't just go up to those boys. They were probably taller than me. I heard footsteps behind me and someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around and glared at the person, I noticed it was Daichi and he shivered a bit. My face softened a bit, it relaxed him.

Daichi: Im going with you

Kc: Weren't you with your girlfriend?

I blurted that out it surprised me, Daichi looked at me confused and shook his head.

Daichi: Shes not my girlfriend....She's just a good friend...

Kc: Alright whatever you say....why do you wanna come either way...

Daichi: Those 3rd years may hurt you...I don't want that to let's get that necklace back.

He grabbed my hand and we started to look for the 3rd year. We eventually saw them, but someone was beating there asses, It was Mikey he looked mad as hell.


He kept kicking one of them, I guess it was the leader. There faces were bruised up and a bit bloody. Daichi went to stop him, He turn to see him and called down.

Daichi: I think you did enough

Mike: Those ass hats got Mary's necklace

He looked at me and came up to me, we Just looked at each other.

Mike: Guess I made it here first here give it to her

Kc: You do it she wanted you there with her....this will make up for it plus class is about to start again...

Mike: Alright, I'm going to take her somewhere after school, to make up for it

I just nodded and he walked away, I looked at Daichi who was looking at the guys on the floor.

Kc: Well thanks for coming with me...

Daichi: Yeah of course...let's just go back to class

I just nodded and started to walk away. I don't know what I was feeling right now. It was a mix of emotion I let out a sigh and put my hair behind my ears. I felt someone grab my hand.

Daichi: You Alright?

Kc: I'm fine, this was just intense.

I smiled a bit he just looked at me and smiled as well. He hugged me tightly I hugged him back. We ended up laughing a bit. I punched his chest and he groaned in pain. I started to freak out I didn't mean to punch him hard.

Kc: Oh shit I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!

Daichi: *Chuckles* it's fine let's get to class before we're late

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