Chapter 37: darkness is just the absence of ligt..

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Phoenix's Pov:

We walked into the kitchen and Aaron went slightly red at the sight of Tj "guys this is Tj, Tj this Aaron, Brent, Mike, Mikey and you know dad and these idiots definitely know you!" I said and Devin ran and hugged Tj, I let go of Tj's hand so he could stop Devin from falling as he'd wrapped his legs around his waist and was holding onto him for dear life "I missed you so much Tj!" Devin said in a girly voice and I rolled my eyes "i missed you to Dev." Tj said in an overly deep voice I laughed quietly and Tj put Devin down "aw look Devin you made Phoenix jealous!" balz said testing my sense of humour "I take back what I've ever said about you not having balls!" Tj said and I glared at josh "you won't have to cause he won't have any!" I growled and balz yelped hiding behind Chris for some form of protection, "nope I'm not saving you!" Chris said moving out of the way and I stood there, silently glaring at him. they say time is the best revenge, and that's what I intended to do, to wait. to wait until he was so paranoid it was just downright evil just to carry it on and to do something so simple, like maybe just water bombs or something, but that's what I intended to do, because to be honest revenge isn't my thing and this is way easier! Balz gave up hiding and decided to just take it like a man, what confused him was when I didn't try to attack him. "tj want some help unpacking your car?" Chris said raising one perfectly drawn eyebrow at the large amount of boxes the car contained "yup sure, erm I think Max's car should be done first though." he said looking at the amount of bags spilling out of the boot and into the backseat. "Oh shit, Phoenix I have something of yours!" Tj said rushing out to his car and getting something before coming back with my four month old ginger Alan. "oh my god I almost forgot about you, aw I'm sorry Alan!" I said hugging him for the first time in ages "Alan?" Brent said suppressing a giggle "yeah, I like Alan ashby way to much okay?!" I said and he shrugged "don't let him shit in my house." he said and I rolled my eyes "he's house trained." dad said and I smirked "yay we get to keep it!" Mike said and I laughed "see everyone loves you Alan!" Tj told him, wrapping an arm around my waist and stroking Alan's head, the image earned a chorus of awe's and a photo "fuck you guys and your adorableness!" Ricky told us both and I shrugged resting my head on Tj's shoulder "can't help it, she's naturally cute." Tj said gently kissing me, dad made an inhuman noise and Aaron jealously glared at us, I flipped dad off and realised just how American I was beginning to sound..

Roberts Pov:

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, before realising I was in Craig's spare room, I then remembered exactly why I was here and just what the contents of the half full glass bottle in the bed next to me was. on impulse I unscrewed the cap and took three or four large gulps or the amber coloured whisky and heard Craig yelling through the door "Robert Ortiz get your fat ass out of that fucking bed and get your shit onto the bus and don't even think about drinking while your doing it!" I climbed out of bed and unlocked my phone, seeing my wallpaper that was still set as max and I on the beach with Phoenix.. I tried not to cry as I hastily changed it back to an etf logo or some other boring shit like that. i picked up my two large suitcases and the bottle of jack taking them all downstairs "what do you mean he can't fucking talk to Max?! Yes I understand what's happened Phoenix! Okay I didn't know that.. yeah but if this continues he's going to be in the same boat! Ugh fucking fine tell him to call Robert when he's learnt to control his own fucking life!" I heard Craig snap down the phone, I saw him go to hang up when I heard Phoenix yell back at him "yep you keep blaming him Craig! It was a joint fucking effort and now both of your best friends and my dads are on fucking self destruct missions! Enjoy warped with Michael I'm sure it won't be the last tour you'll be doing with a replacement! Especially when your drummer ends up in rehab for alcohol abuse!" When she'd finished he hung up and I rushed through the front door to put my cases in the lounge and run to my bunk, cradling the bottle of Jack Daniels like it was my own child. "Uncle rob are you in here?" I heard a small voice say and I sighed "yeah I'm in here Leils." she pulled the curtain back revealing my bunk, its walls covered in pictures and different passes from all of our shows "daddy said your not allowed that." she said pointing at the bottle before pulling it out of my arms "and daddy said that you need to take your shit out of the lounge and stop mourning over uncle Max." I glared up at the top of my bunk "well you can tell your daddy I said that he can fuck right off! Now can uncle Robert have is bottle back?" I said nicely, trying to persuade her to give it back "what's the magic word?" Ugh for fuck sake! Craig would've given her some stupid ass word and id never guess it "I don't know?! Montes dick?" I said and she giggled as I heard someone go "ew" I glared at monte as he walked in "sup asshole." he said and I pulled my curtain across again "thanks for trying Leils! I'll see you when we're back, remember uncle Robert loves you!" I said before curling up and crying into my WWE cushion Phoenix bought me for my birthday..

Four days later.

Phoenix's Pov:

"Is he ever going to come out of that fucking studio?" Aaron asked and we all shrugged "he's written four songs in the past three days. that's a good thing for you guys I guess!" Tj said brightly and I rolled my eyes reaching into my pocket for my phone "we're in Kentucky." Craig's voice told me and I sighed "where are you parked?" I asked and Craig obviously checked out of the window "outside of target." I walked out of the lounge to grab my shoes and pulled them on "I'll be there in ten minuets" I said simply, I hung up after being reminded to come alone. "where you going baby?" Tj asked me wrapping his arms around my waist as I desperately searched for my keys "just out, I'll be back soon." I told him and he sighed "Phoenix you've been acting so odd since I got here, is there something I need to know?" I rolled my eyes "no there's nothing you need to know Tj, I don't have time for the Spanish inquisition right now." I said and found the keys to my small black Ford Fiesta. I'd gotten my licence (surprisingly) a few days ago and dad had bought me a cheap second hand car so he didn't have to pay a whole load of money for a car I'd probably total a few times.. "fine whatever, have fun with whoever your going to be with." I walked to the front door "have fun obsessing over the guy I'm apparently cheating on you with Thomas. not everything I do has to revolve around you, don't flatter yourself." I grabbed my bag and began walking to the door "ooh, kitty got claws!" Aaron said and I groaned "Shut up Aaron!" I yelled along with Devin, Tj and Brent. I stormed out to my car after slamming the door shut and began driving to target. I got there after a few minuets and saw the mess of buses parked at odd angles to fit them in. right on the edge I saw the Etf bus and I parked my car before running over to it. I knocked on the door quietly and Craig answered it, he pulled me into a tight hug and I laughed weakly "dude I'm so glad your here." he told me and giggled slightly "yep same here! is he really that bad?" I asked as Craig let me go and he nodded "if I could help him do you think I would've called you?" And I shrugged knowing what he was saying was true. I put my bag down and walked through to the bunks waving at Michael and ignoring monte knowing he'd make my mood worse with some crude joke. I knocked on the wood of his bunk and I heard some form of movement "fuck off Craig." he grumbled and I groaned "I didn't think Craig had tits." I said opening the curtain enough for me to climb in and then closed it again "oh my god Phoenix!" He said and I nodded "hey dad." I said and he pulled me into a whisky scented hug "how comes your here?!" He asked and I shrugged "Craig called." and Robert sighed lying back against the pillow "of fucking course he did." we sat silently for a few minuets before I pierced through the deafening silence with some form of words "he's just trying to help dad, he's worried, we all are!" Robert rolled his eyes and looked at the pictures stuck up in his bunk "max isn't." he said and honestly felt like slapping him "drinking yourself to death isn't going to make him worry dad! It's going to make him mad, he's not touched any drugs or alcohol, he sits in Brent's crappy home studio and writes, and cries, he even fucking sleeps in there! And your sat here drinking all the time, playing a show and then going back to cry in your bunk, it's an unhealthy cycle! You need to grow the fuck up and realise that alcohol won't make your problems go away." I opened the curtain and began to leave "there's really no such thing as darkness dad, darkness is just the absence of light, this is exactly what this is, an absence of light. an absence of light that will turn into an absence of life if your not careful....."

Listening to remembering Sunday by all time low.

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