Chapter 6: wait spoons?

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Phoenix's pov:

I woke up with someone's arms around my waist and my head laying on there chest. and that's when I remembered what had happened last night, Im on tour with two of my favourite bands and my dad is my idol! I'm also laying in Tj bells bunk! and I'm pretty sure I'm crushing on monte money.. I checked the time on Tj's phone seeing as mine was still in my bunk and realises that it was six am.. oh fucking brilliant. I slid out of Tj's grasp and walked out towards the small kitchen being careful not to fall as the bus was still moving, I went to the fridge and opened it looking for some form of water "whiskey, beer, vodka, lettuce, spoons, wait spoons?ah water!" I mumbled to myself as I searched through. i stood up and took the cap off of the bottle enjoying the cool clear water. "I guess you couldn't sleep either." I heard someone say, I turned around water still in hand to see the messing blonde hair belonging to monte himself, "yeah, it's kinda weird sleeping on a moving bus, I normally wake up at stupid times anyway." Monte nodded taking the carton of milk from the fridge door and drinking it straight from the carton. most girls would've been like oh my god that's gross! not me, I didn't notice the milk in the fridge so when monte was done I took the carton from his hands and quickly gulped it down. I love milk early in the morning it's a really relaxing drink what can I say? "you know you just possibly got cooler!" monte whisper yelled to me and I just shrugged "ok I'm going back to my bunk." I told him and he nodded "wait yours or Tj's?" did I possibly detect a hint of jealousy in his tone? I think so! "Tj's probably he's a good pillow." I turned away from monte and heard him mumble to himself "yeah and apparently he's a good fuck to. damn Tj." I just shrugged it off and climbed back into Tj's bunk "your back! good I was cold without my new best friend." he mumbled tiredly as I climbed in next to him, he automatically wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head into his tattooed chest slowly drifting into sleep "night teej." I whispered before blacking out completely.

I woke up to bright light flooding the bunk room and no Tj.. I climbed out of the bunk with ease as it was on the bottom "phoenix your awakeee!" I heard my dad's voice "yup. what time is it?" I yawned and he checked his phone "errm half past three." he laughed to himself and I just shrugged it happened a lot, i'd sleep, wake up at a stupid ass time and then go back to sleep till and even stupider time in the afternoon. "want food?" dad asked and I shook my head "need coffee." I said in a strangled voice. "that's a super cute sleepy voice phoenix!" Tj laughed and I just shrugged "not an afternoon person are you?" and I shook my head not knowing who asked that "Starbucks is like a two minute walk away, wanna come?" dad asked and I nodded pulling my vans on after seeing them on the floor by the sofa "to Starbucks!" dad yelled running out of the door "so how comes your over here?" I asked him feeling slightly more talkative "well Ron's rejoining falling in reverse and I'm rejoining escape the fate." i nodded and then became confused "they have Tj though?" I asked and he shook his head "the dick head broke his wrist he can't play until a week after the tour." I slept through a lot! "How'd he do it?" I don't get how I didn't notice the cast! I mentally facepalmed as dad explained something about Tj being dared to stand on the roof of the bus and the driver had to drive at the same time, apparently Dan (the driver) was only going at around two miles per hour and he landed on his wrist after he fell. "wow that's a dumb thing to do!" I said when dad finished "what do you want?" he asked me as we stood by the counter "errm, chocolate mocha please." I said and zoned out while dad ordered his coffee. eventually we picked up our cups and walked back to the bus making small talk about absolute bull shit but it was fun. "wait but what if elephants swam under water, would they stick there trunks out to breathe?!" I asked dad as we walked through the bus door "I guess but if they got to deep they'd just breathe in water and die!!" I laughed at this ad went to sit on the sofa "PHOENIX YOUR BACK!" Tj yelled jumping into my lap and hugging me tightly "I missed my best friend!!" he yelled and dad rolled his eyes "all morning all I've heard is 'whens phoenix going to wake up!' or 'max wake phoenix up I miss my bestie!" I rolled my eyes "Tj I think your gay." I said seriously Tj raised and eyebrow and shook his head "straight as a ruler." he said "more like roundabout!" dad added and I giggled "not gay! I promise!" Tj said and I just shrugged "I think you secretly love my dad." I told him and he shook his head furiously "Ew no! he's old!" dad cut in there "I've been told by twelve year olds that they want to fuck me. that doesn't make me that old and it definitely doesn't make me ugly." i zoned out of there bull shit and just stayed out with Tj on my lap. after about ten minuets I felt someone staring at me and turned to see monte sat on the empty sofa by himself. I shoved Tj onto the empty bit of sofa next to me and he just continued watching some shitty tv show, I walked over to monte and sat next to him "so mint you look lonely wassup?" I asked and he smirked "mint what the fuck?" he asked and I shrugged "when rueben was four I started listening to you guys, obviously Ronnie was still here then but rueben couldn't say monte so he'd just call you mint." monte laughed and I smiled his laugh was adorable. I zoned out thinking about monte's gorgeous smile when I felt myself get pulled into someone's lap "what the fuck?!" I half yelled, monte and Tj were laughing there heads off and that's when I realised I was now sat on monte I turned so my legs were laying on the sofa and leaned my head on montes chest seeing as he was taller than me this worked out pretty well. i just sat blankly staring at the TV sipping my Starbucks smiling to myself...

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