Chapted 15: shush squidgy shush.

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***day the tour ends and the band gets back***

Phoenix's pov:
"TJ!" I screamed into my sleeping boyfriends ear "no baby go back to sleeeeep!" he whined pulling my duvet over his head, my duvet and pillow finally got here a few days ago! "NOOO! we have to go to the airportttt!" I yelled excitedly before jumping from my bed towards the shower. "yay dads coming back today, so wake your fat ass up teej!" I yelled as I shut the bathroom door. I connected my phone to the small Bluetooth speaker I have on the bathroom sink and turned it up, blasting 'Ashley' by none other than escape the fate. i threw my pyjamas onto the floor and climbed into the shower "Ashley baby you make me feel so alive I've got purpose once again! yeah! yeaaaah!" I sang along as I washed my hair. "phoeeeniiixxxx! your voice is amazinggggg!" Tj yelled through the door "stop listening to me sinnnnnggggg!" I yelled back as I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel "shush squishy shush." he told me as I walked out of the bathroom "but your to good to ignore." Tj told me making me smile. I walked over to my draw opening it and taking out some underwear, I walked over to my wardrobe "Tj?" I called out to him "yup?" "you seen my of mice and men hoodie?" He shook his head and I sighed searching through my wardrobe with one hand and holding my towel up with the other, when a large black object flew towards my head I quickly caught it with on hand, making sure my towel didn't slip I realised it was one of Tj's hoodies and smiled, pulling out my Union Jack jeans. I made sure I had everything and went back to the bathroom changing quickly so Tj could shower. "Cookies cookies Jeffery star chocolate chip and milky bar cookies cookies!" Tj sang as he showered, freaking weird kid. I was wandering around my room looking for my hair dryer when someone wrapped there arms around my waist "holy fuck!" I whisper screamed "ehehehe" Tj giggled making me smile at his adorableness! "your so cute." I told him quickly pecking his lips "nuh uh your cuter, but we're not turning into that couple!" I smiled up at him before noticing he was just in a towel "babyyyyyyy, you need to get dressed! we have to go soon." I told him, I blatantly didn't want him to, I was definitely enjoying the view if you know what I mean! "but I want to stay here, with you!" I rolled my eyes at home "Tj just because my dads coming back doesn't mean we're not going to hang out anymore, and dad will let you stay over!" He shrugged and went off to go and put on a shirt and some trousers. "I'll be in the car when your done being a man baby Thomas." He glared at me "I'm not being a man baby!" Tj said coming out of his sulk for a few seconds before going straight back into it. I walked downstairs and got the keys "i'll see you soon, kay jinxx?" I said and he nodded "I'll visit as much as I can kiddo." I smiled and hugged him, then helped him get his bags into his car "bye jinxxy!" I yelled and he waved before turning the corner, I lost sight of him and unlocked Tj's car. I sat down in the passenger seat waiting for Tj to stop being a child and hurry up. surprisingly I only had to wait a few minuets before he came out to the car. "now who's sulking." he said snidely, referring to my crossed arms, I turned and looked out of the window ignoring him "phoeeeniiixxx." he said trying to get my attention "squidgy! don't ignore meeee!" he began to tickle my sides and I couldn't help but giggle "ha, got you to laugh!" he stuck his tongue out at me and I quickly turned away, he tickled me again and I turned to face him "Thomas stop it!" I chocked out between laughs as he continued "not until you admit you love meee!" I glared at him and tried not to laugh "but I don't." I said and he fake pouted "i'm sowy, I love you teej!" I said kissing his nose "I love you to squidgy." he told me pecking my lips, that one innocent kiss turned into a full on make out session. when we eventually pulled away I checked the time "errm Tj we need to go, like now!" he nodded and started the car, we were driving along to the airport when Tj pulled my hand into his and kept one on the steering wheel. We finally got to the airport and went to gate five, Tj smiled as we walked past the entrance to gate four obviously remembering the day I came back. "Tj?" I said as we sat down on a metal bench facing the exit "whats up?" he replied "do you think dads going to send me to a school here?" I asked and he shrugged "he could homeschool you cause of tours and stuff but I'm not sure." Tj said sounding slightly saddened by the topic of me not being at home 24/7 i rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. we sat there just talking and being weird waiting for the guys' plane to land "baby, their plane just landed!" Tj told me excitedly, I grinned widely "Erghmergerrrhhhdddd!" I said in a rush as we stood up walking closer to the exit, it had only been a few weeks but I really missed him! We stood there anticipating the arrival of the guys when we saw them come out of the door, I dropped Tj's hand, knowing he'd understand, and ran towards my dad "daddy!" I said happily pulling him into the biggest hug ever "I missed you kid." he mumbled into my hair "I missed you to dad." I could feel his smile "did Jinxx keep you out of trouble?" I nodded "did you and Tj use protection?" I rolled my eyes "nothing happened dad jesus!" he shrugged "you never know!" I pulled out of the hug and ran over to Robert, hugging him tightly and then hugging Monte and Craig "we missed you guys!" Tj told them as he wrapped his arms around my waist "we missed you to! the bus wasn't the same without you Tj, and it was so quite without you phoenix!" Craig said and I nodded, "ok so Max never said, I take it that you guys are together now?!" Robert asked and we both nodded "well can we get the fuck back home I'm tired!" Monte complained and we nodded walking to the car as the guys already got there bags. we got into the car and realised there wasn't enough room.. "Tj I'll drive, phoenix you can sit in the back on Tj's lap. monte you can sit up front." dad said and we nodded moving to the places we had to move to. "max I'm staying at yours tonight!" Robert yelled and dad groaned "fine. anyone else?!" Tj raised a hand "I got comfy I'm not going just yet!" I nodded in agreement "fine but the summer vacation is over in a week. Tj your gone by the time school starts kay?" dad told us and we both simultaneously said "but that's not fair!" we both then crossed our arms. Dad rolled his eyes and told us to suck it up, I leaned my head into the crook of Tj's neck "you okay baby?" he whispered and I shook my head "I don't wanna talk about it." I said bluntly and he held me a little bit tighter. "But dad I don't see why I have to go to school, I mean you can get online classes? I don't get why I have to go to school." I whined and dad just shrugged "cause you have to go to school." I sighed but didn't give up "but if I go to school I could end up doing anything! I could wind up being that kid that smokes weed under the bleachers or skips classes in the toilets or I could get bullied so bad that I die!" I told him but he didn't waver. not the tiniest bit. "Robert tell him that he can't make me go!" Robert shook his head "I'm with max on this kid, you gotta go to school." I scowled "and how many of you graduated from school?!" I said before pulling my headphones and phone out of my pocket. I slid them into my ears and snuggled into Tj trying not to think about having to go to school....

Listening to of mice and men let live.

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