Chapter 8: your insane.

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**day of the wedding**

Phoenix's pov:

It had been a week since I last spoke to monte and the awkward bus encounters were exactly that awkward! I spent most of my time talking to Tj and to dad and Craig, robert liked to help me pull pranks because nobody suspected us to collaborate and almost blow up the bus kitchen sink! Dad wasn't extremely happy but robert just shrugged and told him to "do it for the vine" i rolled my eyes and asked dad if he "found my berries." (a/n watch the wood nymph vine) nobody understood that so me and robert just laughed at there confusion. but today I was finally going home even if it was only for three days. I grabbed my rucksack that had my camera and clothes and pyjamas. The bag also held my laptop and ipod along with its chargers and my phone charger. "hey teej you ready?" as tj couldn't perform I was brining him with me instead of dad, so seeing as Tj could drive we were driving to baldock in a crapy rental car from Brighton. go us! did I mention the fact that it was 4 am right now? well yeah that's what time we were leaving. I quickly hugged dad goodbye and told the other two guys goodbye also I just nodded at monte who withheld tears in return. he thought I didn't notice, but i do. it killed me to see it but he did exactly that he killed me. metaphorically speaking that is! "so Tj how much monster do we have? and did you remember that we have flasks of coffee to keep us awake?" Tj nodded and then said "two each but don't tell max he'll kill me for giving them both to you." I nodded it was a 2 and a half hour drive and it was four am, we only left now to avoid traffic, and that's what we did we avoided the fuck out of the traffic! we got there finally at half past six and I unlocked the front door with my key, I trudged straight upstairs to my room Tj following me to find my bed already made up with my spare duvet and pillows I didn't bother changing out of my leggings and baggy top before climbing into the comfortable bed and kicking off my converse. "night teej." I mumbled lying my head on his chest and passing out.

"PHOENIX IS HERE!" I heard someone yell and I pulled the duvet up over my head "yes she is now let phoenix sleep!" I groaned and Tj pulled me closer to him "you need to wake up phoenix. like now." I was told "Tj fuck off and let me sleep." I said bluntly trying to fall back into my dreams "your mom is getting married today and I'm not letting you miss it wake up!" he whisper yelled and I heard Rueben's voice "it's okay Tj I'll just go get h2 Harold." I shot up "IM UP!" I yelled and they both laughed "is mum up ginge?" he nodded "what's she doing?" I asked as if I couldn't already guess "she's procrastinating waiting for ria." Yep knew it "wait what's the time?" "9:40" Tj told me and I nodded "ria will be here in a minuet." I said to no one in particular and as soon as I said that the bell rung. I smiled and ran down the stairs "AUNTY REE!" I screeched and hugged her after flinging the door open, she laughed at my fangirling and hugged me back. "I missed you as well phoenix!" My mum walked down the stairs and laughed at me "and what am I, God ria you'd think you gave birth to her the way she's going on!" I smirked and continued to hug ria "it's not as if you had to spend endless hours in labour and squeeze that fat head out of your vagina!" I let go "THATS DISGUSTING!!" I yelled and mum continued, I rushed past her "TJ HELP ME MY MUM IS TALKING ABOUT HER AREA 51!" I screeched running towards Tj at the top of the stairs. he pulled me into a hug and I buried my face in his tattooed chest "I didn't realise that phoenix brought you with her! nice to see you again Tj." my mum said as I let him go and went to hug her "so mum are you ready to get married??" she just nodded shyly and then looked at Tj "just to let you know you do have to wear a suit, Austin's brother couldn't make it so yeah your filling in." ria and my mum held up there thumbs smiling stupidly while I laughed at Tj's shocked face "oh shush you'd look good in a suit and you know it!" He smirked at me and I was told to go and shower before Carla got here. I obeyed and walked upstairs to the bathroom quickly showering and then getting out to find that Tj had been doing his hair the whole time. Luckily I was wearing a towel! I walked out of the bathroom and pulled on a long t-shirt along with underwear of course, I was then forced to face the excitement of my aunty Carla "PHOENIX!" She screeched hugging me quickly before returning to finish my mums hair. "Okay aunty ree hit me with whatever evil you and mum have planned out!" I cringed and closed my eyes as she began to blow dry my newly washed hair. I opened my eyes after she'd finished drying it to find her neatly curling my normally pin straight hair. I just sat there as she did this and then closed my eyes when told to as she did my make up. When she'd finished I opened my eyes to find my make up the same as it normally is, light foundation, heavy eyeliner and a clear coat of lip gloss. I smiled as I saw mum, Carla had just finished her makeup, her hair was in a messy bun with loose curly wisps hanging down, her make up was light and honestly, she didn't look like my mum at all! "Phoenix can you grab my dress please?" Mum asked me and I pulled it from her wardrobe, I also took mine out and told them that I was going to change into my dress...

After phoenix and Tj leave.

Montes pov(another unexpected pov):

I stood in the bus lounge trying to think of what to do next, do I go to phoenix in her home town and wait at her house until she comes back from the wedding? do i wait till she's back on tour? "max I need to get a train to phoenix's can I do that?" I asked him not sure at all "errm I guess you can but you need to find out what train it is and you'll have to swap trains in London." I just shrugged I'd do anything to sort this out with phoenix and to explain that the kiss didn't mean anything, I still don't even know the girls name! max got me all the info and Dan dropped me off at the next station now all I had to do was pay for my tickets sit on a train for a little while change over in London and then get off at the right stop! that shouldn't be to difficult, right?

Back to the present.

Phoenix pov:

I pulled the dress on and called Tj in to zip me up. after he did I turned to face him "damn, phoenix you look amazing!" I noticed his suit jacket and shirt and then noticed his black skinny jeans "don't look so bad your self Teej." I told him and he smiled "by the wayyy, your mum said we have to walk down the isle together, so that's all cool!" I nodded glad that I had TJ there with me. "phoenix are you taking your wristbands off?" Carla asked me I shook my head "nuh uh mum said I can leave them on." I replied and mum smiled knowingly at me "so mother are you all down for being a married woman?" I asked and she nodded "PHOENIX!" rueben screamed out from the bathroom and Tj looked a bit shocked "want me to help you with your eyeliner?" I asked rueben when we got there and he nodded "hair as well?" I asked as it was still flat, he just nodded again passing me his eye pencil so I could ring his eyes expertly. I finished that and pulled his gel off of the shelf, squeezing some into my hand and rubbing it through his hair making it stick up just as he normally had it. "there we go all done." I said and he thanked me before looking towards Tj "hey Tj can you help me with my tie I can't do it and phoenix is shit at it anyway!" he asked and I rolled my eyes "watch your language ginge!" I heard Carla shout the kid didn't miss a beat before yelling "mum lets me, don't blame me blame her!" I heard mum explaining to ria and carla her swearing policy, and then heard them realise how good it was and agree with her. "so Tj you excited for all this?" i asked as we finally sat down on my bed relaxing as everything was done. he shrugged "I kind of am, I kind of aren't." I nodded "I wish monte was here to.." i sighed and Tj wrapped an arm around my shoulders "just keep breathing." he told me as I subconsciously messed with my bracelets grazing my wrist with my nails as I did so. Tj moved my hand away from my wrist and we sat waiting for the car to get here to take us to the church..

Skipping the ceremony to the end of the party.

"So guys this is where we all go, thank you all so much for coming and we will see you all when we get back!" I heard austin say we all went outside to shower them in confetti and do all that cliché shit as they went off to their hotel to 'make it official' Tj grabbed my hand as we went to ria's car, rueben being carried by ria's boyfriend Nathan also known as aunty Nancy. i was so tired, I could tell Tj was too, luckily the venue for the party was only a half hour drive from our house. we eventually got home and we all stumbled through the front door, ria and Nathan were here to make sure ginge was okay for the next week as mum and austin would be in none other than austin, Texas where they first met! I trudged upstairs and kicked off my shoes walking to my draws to find some pyjamas as I didn't bring everything with me to dads. I quickly changed as Tj did to. i then walked over to my closet to hang up my dress when boom out pops the blonde hair of monte money "what the hell monte?! why are you here?! are you here to fuck everything else up! just leave monte. go I don't want to talk to you! you lied to me and know all of a sudden your here!" I screeched at him "listen phoenix I can ex-" I cut him off "I don't want you to explain I want you to leave." I replied calmly and pointed towards the door "out monte. I don't want to talk to you ever again, if you think I'll forgive you your insane! I hate you!" I yelled near tears he walked out of the door and I broke down in tears on the floor. Tj walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my shaking shoulders. I could hear him reassuring Ria that id be ok but I continued to sob. "I don't hate you monte.. your a dick.. but I don't hate you I just don't want to hurt like this anymore.." I whispered through sons and slowly began to drift off in Tj's lap..

A/n listening to hello Brooklyn all time low.

Phoenix's dress in the side bar ---->

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