Chapter 16: thats when the flash backs started to begin.

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Phoenix's pov:

We got back home after the longest, most awkwardest drive ever! I quickly jumped out of the car as dad began parking in the drive, he hadn't even stopped driving yet! I pulled my key out of my pocket, unlocking the door and running upstairs, I pulled out my headphones after sliding escape the fate dying is your latest fashion into my stereo. I turned it up full blast and lied down on my bed, I stayed staring up at my ceiling for a good half an hour before someone felt brave enough to come in, but the thing was I knew it would be Tj and I didn't want to sit there and 'talk it out' with him.. I carried on staring at the ceiling as someone laid down next to me "you okay baby?" Tj asked almost whispering it into my ear, I nodded and held back the tears, that's when the flashbacks started to begin..

"Ooh look it's the emo fag!" "find some friends yet?" two of my usual tormentors yelled as I walked down the corridor to my form, I ignored there pathetic taunts and continued walking, I saw Justin and walked over to him to be pulled into a hug "ohh emo fag got a boy friend?!" Bridget, the queen bitch that every school has, my tormentor, my own personal satan, in fact satan is nicer! "Oh my god, how did that happen?! she's to ugly for anyone!" one of her minions said "not to mention how fat she is!" another one said..

I sighed at the memory wishing it would go away, along with Tj, I needed some time alone.. "Teej, I'm fine I just need some time by myself, I promise I'll be fine." I told him, lying through my teeth, he seemed hesitant but agreed "if you need anything I'll be downstairs, please be ok? try not to let anything happen..." he trailed off and wrapped his arms around me quickly kissing my forehead and then sat up, getting off of the bed. when he left I breathed a sigh of relief, mentally wishing that no one else would come in. I opened my bedroom door, closed it quietly behind me and slowly and quietly tiptoed to the attic. I pulled open the small door leading to a closet like room with creaky wooden stairs. I found it after a week of staying here, after me and Tj had our first fight. it had become my sort of safe place and had a large window facing out on the city... I sat down leaning against the window and looking out at the cars below as they went past. it was still quite early so I couldn't go to sleep just yet. I say in the same spot for God knows how long thinking about everything, Tj, dad, school, rueben, mum, Danny and everyone else.. in the end the sky was pitch black when I walked down the rickety, pale coloured, wooden steps. I slowly and quietly opened the door and shut it behind me just as quietly as I opened it. I then crept down the hallway towards my room and opened the door almost silently and then shut it with the same amount of noise, my stereo was still playing so I turned it off and changed into pyjamas, climbing into bed I almost immediately fell asleep, well that was until my door swung open revealing my very untimely father. "yes?" I said trying to add more annoyance than tiredness. "you know you have to go to school." I shrugged "yep, I know." I said bluntly "I don't get why you don't want to go, it's just school!" I glared at him "if this schools as bad as my last one was for bullying, i'm fucked!" Ignored is glare for me swearing and continued "its different for people like us now, nobody likes that kind of music anymore and if you do, damn you might as well be a child molester or Rolf Harris!" I said keeping my glare setting on 'die bitch, die' dad continued to glare back at me and I could imagine that we looked very alike right now "if it's that bad then we'll move you to a new school, but you have to be at this one for at least a month an a half." I nodded "what about when your on tour though?" I asked him and he shrugged "we'll just have to get your school work emailed over and you can do it then." I nodded honestly not bothered by the idea "so are we done with all this arguing about pointless shit?" he asked and I nodded as I went to hug him "I really did miss you dad." I told him and he nodded "me to kid. me to.." we let go of each other and said our good nights, he must of told Tj it's safe to come upstairs because as soon as dad left he came in. Tj quickly stripped and pulled his shorts on, he switched the light off and came over to the bed "I don't want you to have to go to school baby." he whined as I curled into his side "I don't want to either.. Im way to used to being with you all, day everyday.." I felt him nod as he wrapped his arms around me "and your dads kicking me out at the end of the week.. so I have to go home.." I nodded and then remembered something "wow.. I'm not going to get any sleep after you leave, I can't sleep without you here.." I sighed and decided that the next four days of this week were going to be spent with Tj. "its ok, I won't be sleeping either.. I'll miss you to much." I smiled "you know you could always drive me to school and then pick me up afterwards and we can hang out, that way we're still together everyday just not all the time." I told him and I could feel his smile as he realised that we could. "well let's just make the most of this week then babe." I whispered before I began to drift off...

Listening to never shout never trampoline.

Sorry it's kinda short guys I'm actually falling asleep right now! So tomorrow I have no school and I got to go home early today because there was a fire :D no one got hurt but some computers exploded because of the sprinklers, apparently someone set fire to the math toilets but yanoe oh well! I get to sleep all day woooh!

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