Chapter 2: yes maxwell.

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Phoenix pov:

"Care to explain?" I said quietly to my mum holding my phone by the steering wheel "read it." I snapped as she pulled to the side of the road. I heard her sigh as she read through it. "look phoenix, he left when you were two, came back three years after just to see how you were and then one thing leads to another and BOOM! we have ginge, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want you to hate him for leaving.. it wasn't his fault.." she wiped away a tear as rueben looked at us in confusion "whys mum crying and why do you guys keep whispering?! I wanna know the secret!" he said crossing his arms and pouting like the ten year old he is. we just ignored it and started driving again. that's when I thought to check! I pulled the envelope with the tickets out and opened it, revealing three tickets like I thought and also three lanyards holding VIP cards at the end of them. I looked over at my mum who obviously noticed that I'd seen them as she said "errm, surprise?" she said and I laughed rueben laughing too...

Max's pov:

I sat on the couch next to Ronnie waiting for them to let the VIPs in, I didn't notice that I was absentmindedly pulling at the ends of my hair, just lightly as if I were trying to pull it over my shoulders.. that's when I saw the dark brown hair so similar to my own, the piercing green eyes so much like her mothers and I couldn't help but run towards her! "oh my god Phoenix! is that you?" I said shocked at how quiet my voice sounded.. "yeah it's me.. dad." she whispered and I smiled and pulled her into a hug, a hug so tight we could both barely breath "errm can't breath!" she choked out, I grinned and let her go noticing the small ginger haired boy stood behind Claire, he was wearing a little black escape the fate shirt and a whole bunch of wristbands, I couldn't help but notice the bright green one that said in black lettering 'max green team' I looked down at phoenix's wrist to see her wearing the same one, and then to my own that was wearing one to.. I remembered getting it in the post from an anonymous fan and thinking it was the coolest thing ever.. this was around the time Phoenix was nine and rueben was four, I suppressed a small chuckle as I saw Claire mentally comparing me to our kids, she does it with everyone not just with me and my babys! "yes maxwell i sent you the wristband! phoenix designed it and i got it made." its odd how she knew what i was thinking "you said it out loud max." she said smiling and i chuckled slightly. rueben still looked aprehensive and i have no idea why though "max green, YOUR max green!" he said sounding shocked, i stooped down to his height "im not just max green-" "i know your not just max your a LEGEND!" he yelled as i chuckled "im your dad as well.."

Phoenix pov:

"I'm your dad as well.." Rueben's face was unreadable until he ran straight past max and launched himself into my arms.. "Ginge what's up little man?" I whispered slowly walking into a quiet corner while max continued to meet other VIPs "our dad left, and now our dad is meant to be my idol?" he asked seriously unsure and I nodded "yeah ginge, he's our dad.." he looked shocked and then fell deep into thought "but mum has a new boyfriend?" I nodded, mum had been engaged for two years now and they were getting married in a month. "but what if mum and dad want to get back together?" I rolled my eyes and knelt in front of him "ginge, I don't think there going to get back together.." he looked really sad as I said this.. "but on the bright side! we know who dad is now.." I said smiling at him and he just looked away "gingey, mum has austin now and dads well dad has his music.." rueben looked at me "mum has austin, and dad has his music, you have justin, and me?! I have no one! you guys don't want me!" he half yelled at me not wanting to draw attention to himself, when I saw the familiar green bandana of none other than jacky Vincent himself! "I couldn't help but over hear what you said little man, and I don't believe that's true. you see your family may have someone, but if your the two that are meant to be Max's kids then, my ginger haired friend, you have ME!" jacky said and rueben laughed "well, I'm rueben." he said sticking his hand out for jacky to shake, jacky took it gladly "and I'm jacky, but you know that!" he laughed "erm, what happened to jacky being the shy one?" I asked out loud "well, I am normally, but it's different with you guys I guess." he shrugged making us both laugh. "So are you happy with that now little ginge?" I asked smirking at him and he smiled widely "I have a jacky now merrgghhh!" he whisper yelled sticking his tongue out at me and I just laughed "are you willing to go and see your dad now?" he nodded before saying "OUR dad." shooting me a small smile before running his hand through his hair to spike it up again, I stood up hearing ten miles wide blare out "woaaaaaah yeah! you said I'm getting closer to last chance of suicide tearing out your throat you won't let it die left me here for all these days and ripped apart my pride!" I pulled my phone out of my pocket clicking the answer button and holding it to my ear, I walked towards the bathroom before speaking "hello?" I asked into the speaker "Phoenix?" I heard the voice of my best friend and boyfriend "hey Justin, what's up?" I asked not getting a reply for a few seconds "Phoenix, we've been dating for almost two years now, we're both leaving home soon, going off to do different things and-" I cut him off, I knew where this was going "yeah yeah, we're not the same people, we want different things, we should see different people but you'll always be my best friend, I just don't love you like that anymore, I'm sorry" I finished for him "wow how did you know that was what I was going to say?!" he questioned seriously shocked "mmh yeah I guess I'm just magic!" I said sarcastically, I knew this was how he broke up with girls he'd been my best friend for years of course I did! "So your cool with it?" I rolled my eyes "yeah sure whatever. do what you like. bye Justin." I hung up and stood in the empty bathroom until reality hit me.. In one phone call I'd just lost my best friend, my only friend, and my boyfriend.. there's literally nothing but my mum and my brother left for me here.. it probably wouldn't of mattered if I died..

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