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the next day, they were skipping second period, chan had suggested it and, since the younger never suggested doing any risky stuff, they had all agreed

jihoon had joined them and they were just sitting there talking about random stuff, chan seemed like he wanted to tell them something but when they asked him about it he denied it and said it was nothing

minghao looked nervous so the taller was grabbing his hand and caressing it, they had been talking all night and had agreed in telling her a story of how they were friends but started liking each other and ended up a couple

"you look tired" jihoon signed while looking at junhui

"i am, minghao and i were talking all night, but totally worth it" he signed and chuckled tiredly

"since when are you guys so lovey dovey? i'm glad you guys are finally dating" he signed making the others laugh

"we're not dating yet" junhui signed

jihoon rolled his eyes and minghao suddenly signed "we're not dating but i'm actually pretty nervous because i'm meeting junhui's mom today"

"things move so fast, just because i don't sit with you guys on our break i miss out a lot of important stuff" jihoon chuckled

jihoon never sat with them on their breaks because he always spent them at the library studying and soonyoung didn't want to bother him, it was his alone time

"things are getting serious, how nice" soonyoung signed teasingly and wiggled his eyebrows "so that's why he has been nervous since the morning" he then laughed

"in other news, minhyuk and yewon invited me over to have dinner on saturday" chan signed shyly

they all made suggestive looks and as always, soonyoung was the first one to tease him "looks like chan is finally getting some" he giggled making them all laugh

"use protection" jihoon continued making them all laugh again

"wait-" junhui signed confusedly "how would that- you know- work?" they all stayed quiet while thinking how would it work but chan interrupted them after a few seconds

"okay guys, you can stop picturing my sex life with my soulmates, creepy but thank you for adding a new concern in my list" he playfully rolled his eyes

"don't worry, you guys will eventually figure out a position" junhui signed and they all laughed except chan who just blushed and covered his face

after a few seconds, he pulled himself together "it's not a date guys, they said we're going to figure things out and how our relationship will work, if we're going to be friends as we get to know each other first or if we'll start dating right away, however, it's just too weird, i just hope everything goes well and minhyuk is feeling better"

junhui tensed up a little at the mention of the other's name but let it go and then signed sincerely "well, good luck"

"same to minghao" chan signed making them all chuckle

"i'm so nervous i might pass out, the fact that i already know junhui's mom but now she's going to meet me as his son's boyfriend is terrifying" minghao signed

"oh god, you guys let it slip, you can't lie to us anymore" soonyoung signed making junhao confused

before junhui could ask anything, "YOU GUYS ARE BOYFRIENDS" chan signed aggressively

"wait let us explain-" minghao started but was interrupted when jihoon grabbed his hands and then signed "you let it slip minghao, just be honest with us, how hard is it to admit you guys are dating?" he rolled his eyes again

"it's really not like that though" junhui signed but no one believed them

"i can't believe they finally admitted they're dating" chan signed excitedly

"took them long enough, they had sex before they even admitted they're crazy for each other" soonyoung signed

"you know what? i give up" junhui signed exhaustedly, minghao agreed "same" he signed

in fact they just gave up because their friends never believed them anytime they tried to explain, they just let them believe what they wanted even though they weren't boyfriends or even had sex as they thought

"not to be that guy but, it's almost time for third period and i honestly don't want to skip it too, i just wanted some time with you guys since i'm pretty nervous about yewon and minhyuk's invitation" chan signed

"don't worry, i was going to say the same thing, i have a test" jihoon signed and then groaned, soonyoung giggled and rubbed his back reassuringly

"let's go then" minghao signed while getting up, they all stood up and started leaving

junhui and minghao were the last ones to leave the classroom so the taller turned to him and said "honestly it feels so weird to sign with you now that i'm getting so used to talking" he giggled

the younger chuckled "same for me, i just hope we do well with our plan for later at your house" he said

"you're right, see you at seven?" junhui asked with a smirk as he turned to walk towards his classroom

"see you at seven" minghao chuckled

thank you for reading!!

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