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junhui looked over to chan to see what he was doing since everyone was standing up and cheering by clapping intensely

but his eyes met with a tense situation, chan had the same face he had when he had first heard minhyuk and was looking straight into yewon's eyes

he looked at yewon and knew immediately that they had heard each other, it was the only logical explanation, he turned to see chan and saw his legs were starting to shake slightly

only about two seconds later, chan's legs gave up with his whole body as he fainted again, he tried to catch him but minghao was faster and had caught him first

minhyuk who had been staring instead of enjoying his standing ovation, ran off the stage quickly when he saw that the other had just colapsed leaving a few people confused, including bin

bin signed a last thank you before joining minhyuk and running towards them, they ran quickly and got there just as minghao was caressing chan's hair who had his head on his lap still passed out

it was already dark so no one besides them had really noticed that there was a passed out person lying on the floor

junhui turned to see yewon and noticed minhyuk and her were speaking worriedly, they were saying something but he couldn't really read their lips because they were speaking in an other direction from him

however, minhyuk looked like he had just asked something and yewon just nodded with a worried expression on her face

minhyuk gulped "the three of us are soulmates" he signed while looking at everyone

"it was honestly pretty obvious but still somewhat shocking" dongmin signed

"if you think of it, now all of us have found our soulmates" bin signed

junhui widened his eyes, it was true, it seemed unreal but it was true, he was happy for chan and hoped he would learn how to speak since it was one of his insecurities

"what do we do?" yewon signed and looked at chan

before anyone could sign anything, chan started fidgeting in minghao's lap, slowly regaining consciousness, his eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the situation and then he signed

"i passed out again didn't i?"

they laughed "yes, but you weren't out that long" minghao signed as they both stood up

they all stood there awkwardly without signing anything for a few seconds until jihoon ended the situation

"i think we should leave you three alone, you might have some stuff to figure out" he signed

the others nodded awkwardly except minhyuk, when they were starting to leave he stopped them

"wait guys" he signed

they all stood there confused, in particular chan and yewon "is there something wrong?"soonyoung signed

"no it's just that- this is, oh my god this is too much" he signed frustratedly and then continued "i guess i just didn't know i wasn't straight"

"huh same" junhui thought and laughed in his head but stopped immediately once he saw chan panicking, he didn't like it when he made that face because it meant he was feeling insecure and little

"look chan, don't take this the wrong way but, i always assumed i just had one soulmate and that it was a girl, when it happened, i was happy, seriously, yewon is all i could ever ask for and i don't want anything else"

yewon raised an eyebrow, she didn't like where the conversation was going and neither did anyone else there, chan's breathing got heavier and he fidgeted with his fingers worriedly

"and i hate to say this but, it was never in my plans, it's more than i can handle, i already had my whole life planned out and then you appeared and just ruined- no wait, it's not your fault, i'm just" he took a deep breath and looked away

"i'm sorry" he signed before leaving without looking back and with guilt being the dominant emotion at the time in his head and heart

they were all petrified, chan's eyes were blurry from tears that were already accumulating in his eyes as they all stared at him, the younger hated that feeling, all the attention on him, and it wasn't exactly positive

he dropped to the floor on his knees before starting to cry, soon his cries turned into uncontrollable sobs, he wept there on the floor and then everyone came to their senses, soonyoung, minghao and junhui quickly hugged him as they used to do every time the younger had a breakdown, it made him feel safe

dongmin turned to look at yewon but the girl had already ran after minhyuk, bin was just standing there looking troubled and jihoon looked sad

"what an idiot" junhui thought

"what a disaster" dongmin and jihoon thought

"i'm hungry" soonyoung and bin thought

thank you for reading!!

i hate angst:(

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