April 29 by Jared Kenan Pasion M.T

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– Encounter Alumni. Baguio City


There is no exemption to experiencing or having anxiety. It causes us to unnecessarily react and worry. What it does is it gives us an unrealistic scenario where we become consumed by thoughts that makes it difficult for us to focus on God and his wonderful promises for us. That goes to show that anxiety is as much a spiritual battle as it is a physical and mental battle. It would manifest in you as much any sickness would. Some people lose their hair, some experience weight loss/gain. Some experience decrease in immunity, some succumb to its worse effects. Constantly flooding your mind with thoughts like these can drive you insane. But, God is always gracious, and we should always focus on that.

In 2 Corinthians 10:3, Paul talks about spiritual warfare and that it is imperative for us to destroy the obstacles that oppose God's truth in our lives. Easier said than done, right? It's because half of the battle of anxiety is realizing when you're entering the battle. This is mainly because our fears and insecurities feel so true. We tend to go along with whatever pops into our heads, we then go into overdrive, even to the point of thinking about the problems beyond our control, instead of giving it all to God.

One of my favorite parts of this devotion is this line, and I want to share it to you as a declaration of strength and foundation versus anxiety:

Just because the thought exists, doesn't make it true.

Quarantine has gotten to a lot of people as of today. Thoughts brooding from isolation abound, but God reminds us that we don't have to believe everything we think. God being who he is, equips us with "meta cognition", meaning we are able to think about our thoughts. Through this we are able to discern what is best or healthy for you, and discard what is not.

For you to break free from anxiety's grip, here are steps to take:

1. Identify the trigger.
- [x] Ask yourself: What is causing all this overflow of thoughts? or What's the source of all this undue stress?

2. Write down the thoughts that follow.
- [x] It is important for you to note what you're thinking. Rationalize. You will be able to sort out among of them which is real or not.

3. Note your reaction.
- [x] What is your first reaction to that thought? And if it's something unhealthy, what better reaction can you exchange for it? (Praying, singing, journaling, deep breathing, etc.)

4. Bring yourself around to the reality.
- [x] We are at our most powerful if we rely on God to bring us through, if we choose faith and weigh this against the lies of anxiety.
- [x] This way, with the Lord's guidance, we are able to gain better, more realistic perspectives of the situations we are in.

From the beginning of this crisis, it has been the fear brought about by uncertainty of the future driving the flow our lives. But, time and time again, God has been driving the point that our faith in Him should direct our thoughts and actions. Let this be our prayer that God help us be more aware of the thoughts that are not of Him, and focus on the promise He has given us from the start.

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