April 06 by Ptr. Grant Amasi

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Scripture: Acts 16:25

I would like everyone to answer this question first before proceeding with the devotion:
"During this crisis, what have I done differently that might have made the people around me realize that Christ lives in me?"

Since the recorded history of our faith, people has always been watching and anticipating what we, as Christians, do in times of adversity.
• Today, we are facing this deadly virus along with the world.
• We are also in community quarantine like everyone else.
• We also worry about our resources just like the rest of our community.
Have it occurred to us that this might be the best time to show the people around us, especially the nonbelievers what Christ can do, even in hard times.

Go back to the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 26, this was the time when they were thrown into prison. Remember that they were tortured and was imprisoned just because they were preaching the gospel. Their situation was far worst that what we are experiencing right now.

But they showed how a true believer would respond when everything was hard, painful and in worst condition.
They held a worship service inside their prison cells. A lot more things happened but then the Philippian jailer was reached and was introduced to Christ as a result of their act.

In the same way, there are people watching us right now. Our family, online friends, the people in your community. And whether we like it or not, they are developing an opinion about God on the basis of our life.
There is a saying that every Christian is an epistle, written by God and read by man. People get to know God by reading us. They are and will be looking at us, and that may determine the course their lives will take.

So can we take this as a challenge especially during this quarantine. May our words, actions, and even our social media posts be meaningful enough that God may use to bring a breakthrough to the people around us.

Remember how Paul and Silas worship God despite their situation. God used it to bring a breakthrough to that jailer's life. In our situation, let this home quarantine be the prison and the jailer can be anybody in our life, our siblings, friends or even our parents.

What are we doing differently that these people may see Christ truly lives in us?

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