April 24 by Ptr. Arnold Pasion

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Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:5-10

What do you do with your anxieties in the coronavirus pandemic? Are you overwhelmed with the fear of contracting Covid-19? It is one thing to fear contracting the virus itself and it's a totally different fear to just think about the ripple effect (consequences) of the pandemic and what it has done in every aspect of human societies around the world.

We are not just walking through the valley of the shadow of death – we are in the midst of death itself...it seems like, to say the least. Danger is everywhere. As we listen and watch the news unfolding before us, some say that you could either die by contracting the virus itself; die of starvation; die of not getting medical attention because everyone is focus on the covid-19; or even die just from violating a curfew. Together with the virus come sickness, not having enough food, financial losses, social isolation, being quarantined, family conflicts, cancelled events, not being able to work, a grim future, death, a friend or loved one dying. Some countries are raising the alarm about high suicide risk during pandemic; there are concerns about increased use of alcohol and drugs; anxiety associated with cabin fever is imminent (social isolation or being in a contained place for so long); domestic abuses on the rise; there is the skyrocketing unemployment rates; and an open civil disobedience is everywhere. Adding to the list is the uninviting reality of the "new normal" in the post Covid-19.

Most people are looking for help! The phrases like "Have faith," "Believe in God," "Be strong" are more disadvantageous than a ray of hope. In a Biblical point of view, these messages are a misunderstanding of the Word of God. They can discourage faith in God.

What's more contagious than the virus itself is FEAR...fear that leads to anxiety. Fear and anxiety are real not just in the midst of this pandemic, but in life in general. If it makes us feel better, let me say this, "All of the things that we are fearful of are not new; they have been around for as long as the history of mankind." How do we respond as believers? How do we find peace in such a chaotic world that we have? Let me suggest few ways to combat fear and anxiety in the midst of a raging virus called Covid-19.

CAST ALL YOUR CARES IN JESUS. Not letting go of our fear and anxiety is plain and simple, pride. We have to admit that we cannot do this on our own. We rest in Him and find our peace and nourishment in Him. We all want to control our world, our own circumstances, our own environment and even our future; but in Jesus, that is NOT the way it works. Peace only starts when we are willing to let go of the things beyond our control. Peter says, "humble yourself...cast your anxieties...let God lifts you up for he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:5-7).

CHECK YOUR FAITH – TRUST IN GOD. Faith is trust. You can cultivate real faith by expressing emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, discouragement, and sadness to God. Jesus understands our fears and anxieties. He experienced them and even tempted to give in, yet He came out victorious and without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He lived and died and suffered on the cross as a perfect sacrifice and it is because of that sacrifice that we rest our faith. Jesus' sacrifice was meant to empower us and reveal his glory in our weakness. In the same manner, God uses our suffering (including our fears and anxieties) to make our faith strong in Him and nourish our hope (1 Peter 5:10).

RESIST FEAR AND PRESS ON. Fear and anxiety are of the Devil and the Devil's tools to destroy us (1 Peter 5:8-9). This is not the time to retreat, slow down or be paralyzed; this is the time for faith. Trusting God at this season will bring safety. Paul clearly describes our situation right now by saying, "We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed" (2 Cor. 4:8-9). Jesus also say this: "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul" (Matthew 10:28). My take for this is "do not allow this darkness of fear and anxiety brought by this pandemic to cloud our light." Resist and press on because all these will pass away, but you remain standing firm.

RECHARGE AND REPLENISH. This lockdown or quarantine is exhausting, stressful and draining. It sucks the Spirit out of you...if you let it. In God's Spiritual Operating System, there are no upgrades required every month. There are no new models release every year either. There are no returns for defects also. We simply need to be plugged into God and have our systems recharged by God's Word continuously. The Psalmist says, "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul..." (Psalm 19:7). Every day we need the Lord to breathe life into our bones, body, soul and spirit for without it our whole being will get dry and weary from sin and failure and weakness and troubles and sufferings that will lead to fear and anxiety. As broken people living in this broken world, our greatest need is to be plugged in to the Word of God (the source of power) and into Jesus who is the one who can bring revival in our soul.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Peter made it very clear that the whole world specially the "family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings" (1 Peter 5:9). God's promise ingrained in the Great Commission is this: "I will be with you to the very end of this age" (Matt. 28:20). And in the midst of tragedies and needs, the writher of Hebrews emphasized that "God will never leave us nor forsake us" (Hebrews 13:5-6). Think about it: all the things you are going through today are the same with other people (Christians) around the world. You are not alone; God's people around the world is cheering for you and God is beside you.

We are created to be victorious! Don't let the Devil defeat us by fear or anxiety. "The ultimate solution for anxiety is trusting in the goodness of God. No matter the situation, God is more than able and more than willing to share his divine peace." -Max Lucado. Steven Furtick is right on by saying, "The enemy that you fear today is your testimony of triumph tomorrow." God bless you.

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