Chapter 1

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Chase P.O.V

I tried opening my eyes, my eyelids opening one by one, I felt a warm pain coming from my neck, it was like no pain I've felt before. I began seeing figures walk around me, moving their lips, but no words came out, it was like they were miming.

I saw Mr. Davenport walk toward me, he was saying something, but I couldn't hear, I sat up on the bed island I was lying on, ''Mr. Davenprt... I can't hear,'' I felt a flush of tears rolling down my cheek, ''I-I can't hear..''
What happened? Why can't I hear? Where're Adam, Bree and Jasmin.
''It's okay, don't worry,'' I began reading what everyone were saying. Leo was standing next to Luke and Mr. Davenport.
''Where is everyone?'' I blinked a couple of times to clear my eyes.
''They're okay.... They just have slight damages like you. Do you understand what we're saying?'' Mr. Davenport mouthed slowly.
I nodded.
''Listen... Chase, me and Leo are going to go and see what's wrong with Bree now, then we'll go check Jasmin and Adam, okay? Luke's going to stay here,'' Mr. Davenport and Leo walked off.

My bionics seemed to be working, they're helping me with reading what everyone's saying, which means I don't have any trouble with understanding... I-...I'm just scared, what if something bad happened to Adam, Bree and Jasmin?

Luke went to the laptop infront of the island I was lying on, and I stared at what he was doing, he clicked on the monitor button, and the Island developed tubes around it... Just like my capsule.

''Why can't I just go into my capsule?'' I asked confused, and worried about what would come next.
''Your leg's broken... You won't... Be able to walk... For a while..'' Luke pointed to my left leg, which is in a cast.

I searched my head around the room, and saw a wheelchair, I scanned it, and it read my name on it.

''I need a wheelchair....?''
''Maybe you should rest...''

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