Chapter Seventeen. Dinner With Five.

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When we finally arrived, Zayn took my hand and guided me towards the door. He seemed really fidgety as he kept tapping his fingers on my knuckles.

“Are you okay?” I didn’t know what was up.

“Fine.” He scoffed.

Fine my ass.

“You’re nervous!” I exclaimed. He was definitely nervous. Why else would he be acting this way?

“Definitely am not.” He replied in a defensive tone.

“Oh please.” I smirked. I loosened my hand from his grip. “Why are you nervous? Tell me now.”

“It’s not important Jas just let it go.”

“Uh yes it is important.” “Please Jas just let it go.” He demanded again.

I stood in my tracks and refused to move one bit as a glared at him with questioning eyes. Realizing I wouldn’t budge, he gave a deep sigh.

“It’s stupid. It’s just that erm well you’ve met the boys before but this is the first time you’re meeting the lads formally now that we’re all official and stuff. And you know, they’re a bit flirty I guess. So--”

I cut him off and started laughing. “You actually think I would think about being with anyone else but you?”

“Well you do have a past of I don’t know sleeping around…not caring about--”

“What?! Are you serious right now? Don’t you dare bring up my past. I am not thinking about hooking up with any of your best friends. I would never. You never did anything to hurt me. I don’t--”

He cut me off. “But if I did would you?”

I gave him a confused look. “Don’t you start with all those hypothetical questions. Why the hell does this matter anyways if it’s not going to happen?”

“Fine. Drop it. I should have never told you I was nervous. Hmph and you tell me to be more open. I am definitely going to be spilling my emotions more, I really like the way you react.”

He started walking towards the house but I grabbed his arm.

“Don’t walk away from me. I’m sorry, okay? It’s just you know how I get when you bring the past up.”

“My bad babe. I’m just a little tense. Let’s go.” He pulled me into a hug and dragged me towards the door, scrunching his hand into a fist and tapping it lightly against the door. The door quickly flew open.

“Love birds are here!” Louis yelled.

We walked inside and greeted all the boys. I actually felt really comfortable around them. Their personalities were so different yet so alike and they mixed just so well together. We sat around the dining table as Harry brought a delicious looking dish to the table.

“I make a mean spaghetti carbonara.” Harry gave a little smirk.

Zayn placed some on my plate and as I placed some into my mouth it tasted amazing.

“Damn Styles you do got some skills there I must admit.”

“Yeah this is delicious” Liam pitched in.

Harry threw a satisfied glance at his dish and sat down with us to eat.

While stuffing ourselves with the spaghetti, Niall spoke up for the first time since the food had come out. Guess he had just been enjoying his meal. Oh Niall.

“So Jas, heard you want to bring some friends along for your winter vacation.”

“I really don’t want to, but if I want to survive in my school I kind of have to.” I gave a little sigh.

“Are they hot? Because if they are, then you should bring them.” Harry smiled.

I just gave a giggle. He really was a flirt.

“Harry it’s not up to you. Let Jas decide.” Zayn said.

I didn’t really want them to come, but I remembered how nice Flora had been to me. I don’t know maybe she just wanted to use me so I could take her, but I highly doubt that now. She seemed so genuine back at the mall. I guess it wouldn’t hurt, I mean I’d be with Zayn mostly.

“Fine. I’ll bring them. So it’ll be just me, Flora, and Lily.”

“Done deal.” Louis said.  

We finished eating and cleaned up everything. I brought the last plate to the kitchen and placed it in the sink. Suddenly, I felt hands wrap around my waist. I turned my head back and saw Zayn smiling. He knows I love when he hugs me from behind. 

“Think you’re sneaky creeping up behind me, huh?” I flirted.

“You like it though.” He winked.

“I do.” I giggled.

“You’ll also like this.”

Before I could speak his strong hands grabbed me and placed me on top of the kitchen counter. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed back and draped my arms around his neck. His tongue pushed against my lips begging for them to open. When they obliged, his tongue aggressively glided in as it swirled in my mouth. I did the same and glided mine beneath his teeth. It felt like we were playing tug of war with our tongues. As our tongues moved back and forth and our lips intertwined, a deep laugh interrupted us.

“Tongue sex. Please continue.” Harry winked as Louis continued laughing.

“I’m pretty sure the kitchen isn’t the best place for this activity.” Louis said.

Sassy kid.

Zayn rolled his eyes and carried me down from the countertop.

“We just wanted to know if you want to watch a movie with us.” Liam said.

“I think it’s obvious here what they want to do, Liam.” Harry teased.

 “We’ll think about it.” Zayn said ignoring Harry’s comment. “Jas, come to my room.”

I followed Zayn and stuck my tongue out to the boys.

“You hear that Jas, Zayn wants you in his room! Sounds like you’re his submissive.” Harry yelled out.

“Fifty Shades of Grey? Wow classy use of that book Harry!” I yelled back.

I gave a little giggle as I closed the door to Zayn’s room behind me. I joined Zayn on his bed and snuggled up into his arms.

He looked down at me and said, “So you want to go watch that movie?”

I shook my head. “I’ve got a better idea.”

He bit his lip; you know those lip bites of his that always kills me.

“Sounds good.”


Sorry for the long wait my lovelies! But I finally updated! Woooo! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I seriously cannot wait to upload the next chapters. Tell me your ideas on the story so far! I want to know what ya'll think(; I love youuuu all. 

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