Chapter Twenty Six. Still The One.

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Jasmine’s P.O.V:

I made my way outside and instead of automatically taking leave, I leaned against a pole several feet away and sat down, resting my head into my hands. I made it clear to Paul that I was going to leave, but once I was outside, I just couldn’t. In all honesty I needed to see my savior.

I brought my head up and played with a leaf that had fallen next to me, while conflicting thoughts and voices thrashed within my head.

“Zayn has moved on.” one voice said.

“He’s found someone, someone better than you.” It said.

“Leave, he doesn’t want you.” It said.

But then another voice would say, 

“He’s been thinking about you everyday.”

“Stay, he wants you.” 

I had no clue which part to listen to, so I did the only thing I could possible think of. I broke down, and cried.

Zayn’s P.O.V: 

“I know it’s saying too much

But I will never give up

I was so stupid for letting you go

But I know you’re still the one

I know you’re still the one”

I sang the last few lines to the closing song for the night, unable to take my mind off Jas. I was so pissed about what I’d seen earlier and thinking about what that bloke was about to do to her. I just wanted to leave the stage, but I couldn’t. I needed to calm the fuck down and smile at fans, beacuse Jasmine was waiting for me backstage, just as Paul had promised. Me and the boys slowly jogged off the stage to the sound of screaming girls, and made it backstage.

“Damn what a show!” yelled Louis as he hopped on the empty couch backstage and sipped the last few droplets from his water bottle.

Emphasis on empty. Jasmine wasn't there.

"Where is she?!" I shouted, turning towards Paul.

"Zayn, I'm sorry. I couldn't keep her longer, she just ran out and I didn't know how to stop her."

"I told you specifically to not let her go!" I yelled angrily. 

"Drop it, Zayn. Fans will be back stage soon, so focus on doing your job right now."

"Piss off." I mumbled, clearly not in the mood to argue. 

I just needed to get my mind off things, so I grabbed a cigarette and started making my way outside.

"Jas was here?" Liam questioned, blocking the entrance to the way outside, just where I was headed. 

"I need a smoke." I replied irritably, avoiding the topic. 

I guess he saw how annoyed I was so he just gave a slight nod and moved out of the way. I hadn't told him or the other boys, or anyone exactly, about what I'd seen, but I really wanted to. Yet again, I'm not the type who goes running for help, I'd rather deal with my problems by myself. I don't need pity. A smoke ought to make me feel better. 

Just as I took another stride forward, I felt a sudden bump on my back as Niall tackled me from behind. I was not in the fucking mood. 

"Fuck off." I scoffed and pushed him off. 

'What's wrong with you? These past few days you've been a bit better but you're still acting like a sorrowful twat." Harry remarked as he took stand aside Niall. 

"Let him go outside. He just needs to calm down, Harry." Liam said. 

I could tell he was foreshadowing a fight and well he was damn right if these lads didn't let me do my thing. Goddamit, I just need one smoke.

"No, seriously. This has to stop. We get it. You loved her--"

"I don't want to talk about it." I growled.

And I damn well still love that girl. Fucking learn your present tenses, Harry, I thought. 

"Well, then you're never going to get over it, mate!"

"I'm doing perfectly fine. I don't need your assistance, Harreh."

"I'm sorry that she left, I really am. But you need to stop sulking in self pity. It's getting you nowhere."

"I love her. You wouldn't understand." I sneered bitterly. 

"Now now ladies don't get your knickers in a twist!" Louis giggled.

Not fucking funny. This was getting too irritating. I pushed past the boys, cigarette in hand, and made my way outside, stepping into the bitterly chilly air. 


Thanks for being patient with my guys! I hope you liked ;) If you liked this, pressing the simple vote button would be very kind of youSo, what do ya'll think will happen? Ideas/Comments? (: xx

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