Chapter Thirteen. The Surprise.

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I slowly opened my eyes to the feeling of a tightening around my chest. I glanced down and saw Zayn’s arms wrapped around me. I gradually squeezed out of them, being very careful not to wake him. I turned towards his face as his arms drooped down, touching the covers. He was so beautiful and peaceful when he was sleeping. How had I gotten so damn lucky?

I was so glad that Zayn had believed me. I had no doubt that he’d forgiven me. I mean after what we did last night, I’m pretty sure Zayn still wanted me. And I wanted him.

I looked at the clock by his bedside to realize it was 10:00 A.M. My mind drifted towards the thought of Mrs. Murphy. Oh gosh. Not again. Zayn had said something about taking care of it so I guess I’d have to wait till he woke up for him to tell me what he meant by that. I really didn’t want to be the one to make him moody. Don’t ever disturb Zayn’s sleep. It is not a pretty sight.

I got up from the bed with rather aching thighs and my whole body was so damn sore. Damn you Zayn. He certainly did a lot of rough lovin’ last night if you know what I mean. I giggled at the thought of it and a feeling of pride came to me. I’d gotten him back. Take that Josh. I tiptoed to the bathroom and did my business, rinsed my mouth, and washed my face. Rather refreshing that was.

Carefully, I trotted out the bathroom and went to take a seat on the bed next to Zayn, watching him take soft breaths, staring at his long lashes, observing his luscious lips, admiring his every feature. Everything was so gorgeous about him.

I couldn’t take this sexiness. I wanted to kiss him. I’d just wake him up gently. I brought my lips to his cheek and traveled it down to his lips. He winced.

“Leave me alone…I want to sleep.”

I giggled. Hell no. This boy was getting up. I’m not going to waste my day staring at him with no action going on. My lips continued to his neck as I slowly glided them down pressing soft kisses upon his exposed skin. I felt Zayn shudder. He turned to face the other side. Ugh. I’d been shunned.

“Zaynnnnn please wake up.” I pouted.

“Later…” he mumbled.


I pulled the covers off him revealing his bare body with the exception of his boxers. He gave in.

“You’re taking this too far.”

Before I knew it, he had flipped me so that now he was hovering on top of me. I was seriously speechless. That was so unexpected.

“Stay.” He said with a serious face. He realized my shock as he giggled at the sight of my open mouth.

I watched him in disbelief as he got off me and walked to the bathroom. Well. At least I had successfully woken him up. As I sat there waiting for Zayn my mind drifted to the thought of what people were saying about me now. I didn’t care, I was just curious. I got my phone out and typed in “Jasmine Levine.” Yep. There were still articles about my “cheating scandal” Seriously were people really that bored that they were so eager to pick on me out of all people?

My eyes drifted towards an article that had come up on the side reading “One Direction ready to take on Germany!” What the hell? Germany? I clicked it and as I scanned the article my heart felt like it was sinking. I had completely forgot about Zayn being on tour these few upcoming months. I heard the bathroom door creak open and quickly put my phone on the side table. Zayn came up on sat next to me.

“How are you doing this morning babe?” He gave me one of those irresistible smiles.

I managed a smile back. I was still thinking about him leaving me and how I would have to deal with everything on my own now. I guess Zayn had noticed the color in my face change and immediately after his question his expression changed,

“Jas…is everything alright?”

I tilted my head down so I wouldn’t start tearing up. If I looked at him, I knew I would. I had fallen for him hard and fast. I didn’t want to let him go. He placed a finger under my chin and lifted it up so that my eyes met his. I tried to look away.

“No. Look at me. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

“It’s nothing…”

“It’s something. You will tell me…but first I need to tell you something important.”

I knew he was going to tell me sooner or later. I nodded so that he could talk.

“We’re leaving Paris in 2 days to Germany and then we’ll be touring some other countries around Europe. But I’ll be back in 3 weeks, just in time for your Christmas vacation!”

I knew he was trying to sound all enthusiastic but it didn’t seem so exciting to me. I rolled my eyes trying to keep the tears from coming and turned the other way so I wouldn’t be facing him.

“Jas. Talk to me. I promise everything will be fine. I trust you and you trust me. I’ll keep in touch with you everyday. And before you even know it, I will be back.”

Three weeks without Zayn? Was he serious? How did he think I was able to take it? I mean sure he could take it, he had 4 best friends with him and I had no one here. Zayn was my only form of support. I turned back around to face Zayn; he continued reassuring me that things were going to be fine and he just wanted me to be happy. Although, his words did have a calming effect on me. They were definitely soothing.  

Zayn slid his arms around me, one hand around my waist and the other hand grasping my back. He glided his fingers through my hair as I rested my head in his, trying not to cry.

“Zayn, I don’t know how I’m going to manage but…I’ll really miss you.”

“I will be there for you whenever you need me.”

There are his comforting words once again.

I rested in his arms for what seemed to be forever. He caressed me as he continued speaking and I pleaded for him to not leave my side. After I had grown calm, he removed his arms from around me.

“Babe. Let’s take you back to your hotel.”

I had arrived at my hotel once again and played along with Zayn’s story. Mrs. Murphy, to my surprise had believed every word, and felt greatly sorry for me. It took me the greatest amount of self-control to not laugh at her stupidness. Oh what a special lady she was.

It was the day we were going back to England, the day I would last see Zayn until another three weeks. Zayn had already handed me over to Mrs. Murphy, so there was no way I could give him a proper goodbye. I guess you could say that we had goodbye sex even though I didn’t really know it was goodbye. Well all this is confusing. Please don’t mind me and my thoughts; I’m a little wack right now. Goodbyes are too emotional anyways. I just couldn’t wait till I got to see him again.

Three more freaking weeks.

That is all.  


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