Chapter Twenty Four: Savior.

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I was lying in my bed, exhausted yet completely unable to sleep. Yup, lying in bed at seven p.m. because I just could. So, I started rethinking the conversation I had recently had with my mom just a few hours back. It was definitely soothing knowing I had someone who was there to support me because that’s just what I needed. Now, I had the motivation to go after what I wanted. I wanted Zayn back. But how the hell would I find him?

My mind drifted towards the night we shared in the cabin during winter break. When he’d told me about him touring America, if only he’d told me what hotel he was staying in. Surely, they would have a concert here soon. I mean it’s Los Angeles for crying out loud, every superstar comes here. Think, Jas, think.

I lazily grabbed my laptop from the bottom of my bed and searched for One Direction concert dates, praying that it’d be at a venue close by. And well shit, their last concert here in Los Angeles was tonight at Universal City Walk in just less than an hour. I sleepily hurdled out of bed and grabbed my phone so I could call a cab. Then I rapidly rummaged through my closet for an outfit to wear. The things I do for that little shit. Hopefully, this is worth it.

I raced down the stairs and out the door, thankfully not having to give my parents an explanation of why I was leaving because they were out. Impatiently, I waited for the cab to arrive. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Yes, there were complications to this idea. Like the fact that I didn’t have a concert ticket or the fact that since that was true I wouldn’t get to even get a glimpse of Zayn, but just being that close to where he was made me excited.

As I paced impatiently in front of my house, I heard the engine of a cab approaching and I ran down the steps eager to slip in. The cab maneuvered its way to Universal while I nervously created impossible scenarios of what a success this night would be. Goddamn. I really needed to think of a plan. Yet, no plan was made even when the cab stopped at my destination.

I hopped out and ran towards the entrance of the venue. Okay, so tons of girls were showing their tickets and piling in. Maybe I could blend? I clearly underestimated security with that plan and the security guard who was checking the tickets furiously told me to take leave. Well damn, I needed a new plan. Obviously none of these girls would be generous enough to give me a ticket, so, maybe I should just wait at the entrance till the concert is over? I'm such a dipshit, the boys would definitely not come out this way. That means there’s another way to get in, there has to be.

I anxiously approached the security guard once more, prepared to give my best shot at seeing my oh so famous ex boyfriend.

“Sir, I’m Zayn Malik’s girlfriend. He told me that you’d let me in.” I said as casually as possible. 

“I don’t care who you are, but you have to show me a ticket.” 

“Zayn said I didn’t need to show it.”

“I know you fan girls. Stop making up stories and leave if you do not have a ticket.” He eyed me furiously.

Okay, so this man obviously wasn’t going to let me in. But, there had to be someone who would. 

“Fine. Don’t believe me. But Paul will.” I stated firmly, standing my ground.

“Ma’am I’m going to have to get security to escort you out if you do not leave. Girls with actual tickets are trying to get past you.”

“I’m telling you the truth. If you let Paul come and see me, he’ll let me in.”

“Leave.” the officer scoffed.

This was never going to work. I’d just wasted my fucking time coming here in the first place.

“I see you need help getting in.” I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

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