Chapter Four. The Punishment.

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Mrs. Murphy glared at me with her ferocious looking eyes. Damn, she looked scary I am definitely going to get punished big time.

“Running off wasn’t a great idea sweetheart.” She said bitterly. She continued while keeping a big frown on her face, “Now bad decisions result in bad consequences. I’m afraid some changes need to be made. Come with me.” She grabbed my arm and dragged me to her office. 

Mrs. Murphy ended up giving me a longass lecture about random shit I gave no fuck about. The worst part came last though. 

“I’m afraid that you cannot have the same privileges as the other girls do. From this day forth you cannot leave the school without supervision. An adult staff must always be with you.” She gave me an unpleasant smile, which made me feel pretty uncomfortable.  I couldn’t let her do this though. 

“You can’t do that! Everyone can leave the campus on weekends! It’s not fair.” I was not happy about this. She couldn’t just take away the only right I had that could allow me to go meet some sexy British dudes and get a rest from the fuckers here. 

“Sorry dear, you just don’t deserve this right now.” And with that I was left alone. Great. Now all I could do was sulk in my own misery in my room upstairs. I grudgingly went to my room and I lay on my bed with a great sigh. If only things could be as perfect as they were last night. 

And then a smile spread across my face as my mind wandered off to think about Zayn and how perfect he had been. He understood me. He’d even actually taken the time to listen to me. He was the only one in a long time who I thought truly cared. I started remembering Josh and I realized that I’d had these same feelings when I first met him. He’d listened just like Zayn had. I thought he actually cared just like I thought Zayn actually cared. But he ended up breaking my heart. Wow I’m feeling again. You can’t ever trust feelings. They just lie to you. I brushed the thought of Zayn aside. I wasn’t ever going to see him again anyways.

-Zayn’s POV-

I couldn’t help thinking about Jasmine. This was the worst possible time. I was in an interview for God’s sake. 

“Zayn? Zayn?” 

Oh and I’d just missed the question the interviewer had asked me. I quickly realized this and replied, “Oh sorry! I didn’t hear the question.”

The interviewer smiled and repeated herself, “ Have you met any girl recently that you are interested in?”

What a coincidence. I had just met Jasmine and I was definitely interested in her. It’s like the interviewer had read my mind. 

“Yes, I have.”

Once I said that the lads all stared at me and gave me quizzical looks. I hadn’t told anyone about my particular interest in Jasmine since she left last night. The lads teased me about her when she left but they didn’t know I was seriously into her. 

There was just something about her. And I liked it. A lot.

After the interview, Harry came up to me and gave me a light punch in the arm. 

“So you like that Jasmine girl, eh?” He winked. 

“Zayn and Jasmine sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G” 

The boys joined along with Harry and disregarded my continuous pleas for them to stop. I didn’t know her well but I really liked her. Why hadn’t I got her number? I was so frustrated with myself. Would I ever see her again? That’s what was really bothering me. 

-Jasmine’s POV-

I was woken up from my nap by a screechy voice. I don’t even remember when I had fallen asleep. The voice was coming from an intercom, “Good afternoon girls, please come to the recreation hall for a brief announcement.”

I immediately got up and went downstairs in my school uniform not wanting to be late. Don’t want to give them another reason to punish me further. 

The headmistress was waiting for all the girls to gather around. When we had all assembled in front of her, she began with her speech:

“Hello girls. I just want to give you all a brief notice. You each have to complete 350 working hours in the city of London. I will put you into groups and each group will be assigned a work place. Every few weeks, we will rotate to another working station. Now, I will read the groups out…”

Me, being the lucky girl that I am got put with Flora and five other girls who seemed to all be best friends. What hoes. Well, I don’t want to have anything to do with them anyways. We got a local restaurant called Nandos. Flora and me got the waitress position. Oh joy.  

After the announcement was over, Flora looked at me and smirked, “This should be fun.” She winked and walked off.

Gosh I wanted to kill her. Patience Jasmine. Breathe. Well, work starts tomorrow so I have the night to plot this murder. I gave a little giggle. Shit’s going down tomorrow so be prepared Flo-whore-a. 


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