Chapter Six. This Cannot Be Happening.

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Every day at work I started being extra nice to Flora and her friends. She was still a bitch to me and as much as I wanted to punch her in the face, I was so desperate to be able to go out that I refrained from doing so. 

A few days had passed and still no improvement in our relationship. Maybe I should just give up and sulk in my misery here. Flora is just getting bitchier day by day. 

It was a Friday night when we returned from work back to the school. All girls had to be back in their rooms by 11 so I left the school library and rushed upstairs to my room. 

While approaching my room I heard squeals coming from the room next door. The bathroom connected my room to it so I pretended I had to go pee and I placed my ear next to the door to listen. 

“Oh my Gosh he is so freaking hot. Who’s your favorite, Lily?” I heard Flora say. 

Lily was basically Flora’s follower. She did whatever Flora told her to and copied anything she’d say or do. I sort of felt bad for her but it was her choice to become friends with Flora in the first place so sucks to be her. 

“Harry Styles of course. He is just gorgeous. I will marry him one day. “ 

The girls in the room laughed and I heard one of them say, 

“If only we could go to a One Direction concert one day we might just have a chance with them.”

One Direction. They were talking about One Direction. This was the perfect moment for me to butt in. I opened the door and the girls screamed and looked at me in shock. 

“What the hell Jasmine what is your problem. Nobody wants you here.” Flora sneered. 

I tried to stay calm.

“Well I was in the bathroom and overheard you talking about One Direction. I totally love them too!” 

I tried to imitate their squeals but I literally sounded like a dying frog. 

Flora gave her classic dirty look, “That’s great. No one cares.”

Damn her. I tried again sounding a bit more confident, “Well I know them.” 

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Lily shouted. 

Flora gave her a little slap, “No Lily there’s no way this bitch knows them she’s just lying to us.”

“I can prove it if you want.” I said coolly. I smiled and went back to my room.

Minutes later Flora was there.

“So how are you going to prove this? You can’t fool me easily.”

I started dialing Zayn’s number hoping it would go to voicemail. Flora just watched with eager eyes. 

Luckily, the call did go to voicemail and his pre-recorded voice started to talk.

“Hello you have reached Zayn Malik I am not available right now … “ 

“EEEEEEEEK” Flora shrieked. “ You actually know him! I can’t believe you have his number! You have to introduce me to him and the boys.” 

And all of a sudden she was acting like she was my best friend. I had no problem with that I mean after all I had finally gotten what I wanted. 

I laughed and said, “Flora I know we got off to a bad start so I’m hoping we can be friends. After all, all directioners should unite. Zayn’s pretty busy but I promise I will introduce you and the boys one day! I Just need you to do me a favor.”

She smiled, “Anything love! And yes don’t worry you are part of our group now and I’m sure we will be best friends for ever!” 

“Flora, I want to come out with you and the girls. Maybe we can find One Direction” I winked. I made sure to include the One Direction part because that’s the only reason we’d become ‘friends’.

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