Chapter Twenty. Me, Myself, and My Thoughts

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Break was coming to an end and I had spent most of its days sulking in my room and deleting everything on my phone related to Zayn Malik and his stupid ass band. Fucking random strangers hadn’t helped me get over this in the past, so I thought I’d give crying endlessly and openly being an emotional wreck a shot. Who would’ve known that it would have been just as bad?

Thankfully, not many people were at school since everyone was visiting their family for the holidays. My parents had called continuously to ask me to come to the states but since I’d refused to look at my cellphone anymore, they finally decided to call the school. I reluctantly answered and quickly denied their offer. I didn’t want them to see me like this-I didn’t want anyone to see me like this.


It was the night that Zayn had invited me to have dinner with the lads after he’d surprised me with his unexpected return from his tour, and I was really enjoying myself. I mean, I’d just had sex with my gorgeous boyfriend, what’s not to enjoy?

“You’re a great shag.”

“Is that all I am, really Zayn?” I frowned at him. I knew he was joking, but it reminded me of how one of my hookups would talk to me.

“I’m sorry babe, I just said it in the moment, I didn’t mean it like that. But really, you’re amazing.”

I giggled as I climbed on top of him and pecked him on the lips. Disallowing my lips to leave his, he pulled me in again, unconsciously scrunching my bum in the process.

“Hey!”  I squealed. “My ass is sore. It’s all your fault.” I moaned, collapsing next to him.

“It just needs a nice massage.” He winked as he reached for the cheeks.

I giggled and squealed as he struggled to take control. No way was I letting him make me sorer, I was dying already. We rolled around as he tickled me, thinking that would help him gain control, nope, it just made me fidget even more frantically.

Suddenly he caught me and flipped me over, his golden brown eyes pierced into mine. His eyes softened as he smiled at me and I returned it. We were just staring at each other, I enjoyed his marvelous beauty while he, well I don’t know what he enjoyed, but for the first time, I felt as if someone truly cared for me. I felt loved, and Zayn Malik proved my feelings true as he mouthed the words,

“I love you.”

*End of Flashback*

How could a guy like that have cheated on me? How could a guy who once loved me so much once upon a time, want to make me feel like shit? It was definitely me. I was the problem. Why was I such a fuck up? What am I doing wrong?

I dragged myself to the shower with these thoughts pouring through my head. I needed to get cleaned up because annoying schoolgirls would be arriving from their trips soon since tomorrow would be the first day back to school.

Ew. Girls.

And, Ew, Flora.

Now that she and Zayn had done the unspeakable, she would have a sense of superiority over me, and I did not like the idea of that. I quickly stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, ready to get changed into sexy, strong Jasmine. I had to somehow not seem affected by all this. I’ve done this before, what makes it any different now?

The door unexpectedly flew open as I tackled my bed.

Great. The bitches have arrived.

“What a lovely break this was, right ladies?” Flora said in a suggestive tone.

Sure her little crew thought she directed that question to them, but no it was definitely aimed towards me. Bitch was trying to rub it in. I’ll show her. I clenched onto my bed sheets tightly, careful not to appear angered by her sudden outburst. I was distracted as I turned my head to see Flora in a tight fitted dress with barely anything covered. Scratch that. Not dress. It was a piece of cloth. Trashy hoe.

I unintentionally scoffed which allowed Flora and the girls to take notice of me.

“Oh Jasmine! We were so worried about you. Next time dear, you should never run away from your problems! But that’s okay, you didn’t know any better!”

She smiled and whirled around to unpack her suitcases, exposing her bare bum while she leaned over.

I wanted to kick that whore’s ass all the way back to hell. Yes, back to hell. I’m sure she was created there amongst them devils or whatever.

Fuck her, I’m over everything. I slid under the covers of my bed and anxiously waited for tomorrow to come, hoping by some miracle, that it would be better.  


I'm so sorry for this super short chapter! But I'm just trying to build up to some shocking events;) So read on, you'll definitely want to continue reading. In the meantime, what do you think will happen? What do you think is the "shocking event" I speak of? Commenttt&vote guyss♥ Lahv you xx

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